Namakku Naame Thittam

Namakku Naame Thittam (Urban) People’s participation is essential in civic infrastructure projects and it also brings the sense of ownership among the people. In order to improve the self-support mechanism of public and to enhance increased public participation in creating and maintaining community infrastructures, the Government had launched Namakku Naame Thittam (Urban) and Guidelines for… Continue Reading Namakku Naame Thittam


Kalaignar Nagarpura Mempattu Thittam [KNMT]         In Tamil Nadu, there are 14 Corporations (except Greater Chennal Corporation), 121 Municipalities and 528 Town Panchayats. Many schemes taken up in the recent years such as Smart Cities Mission, AMRUT are aimed at improving the infrastructure facilities of Corporations and major towns alone. Smart Cities Mission is being… Continue Reading KNMT


 FINANCE COMMISSION  5TH STATE FINANCE COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND RELEASE OF GRANTS  Each State has to constitute a State Finance Commission once in Five Years to review the financial position of the local bodies as per 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendments and as envisaged in Article 243 I and 243 Y of the Constitution of India… Continue Reading S F C

Street Light

Provision of Street lighting is one of the important basic functions of every local body. All the 14 Corporations (except Chennai) and 121 Municipalities in the State maintain 7.87 Lakh street lights. The maintenance of Street Lights consumes a sizeable portion of financial resources of the ULBs. Many innovative initiatives like replacement of existing conventional… Continue Reading Street Light

Smart Cities

Smart Cities The Government of India launched Smart Cities Mission on 25.06.2015. The objective of the Smart Cities Mission is to promote sustainable and inclusive cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and an application of “Smart Solutions”. The Smart City consists… Continue Reading Smart Cities


Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)        Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) is to ensure the basic infrastructure such as drinking water facilities, waste water and sewage disposal management, storm water drains, non-motorized transport, parks and green spaces. Cities having population more than 1 lakh, towns of religious… Continue Reading AMRUT

Combined Development and Building Rules 2019

Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules 2019 In order to implement the functions of Urban Planning including Town Planning and Regulation of Land use and Building Constructions mentioned in 74th C.A.A, New Combined Building Rules applicable to Corporations/Municipalities/Town Panchayats and Village Panchayats have been prepared and notified as “Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules… Continue Reading Combined Development and Building Rules 2019


Roads form the backbone of the Urban Infrastructure development. This Government endeavors to provide motorable roads that are designed and built for the primary use for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The Corporations (except Chennai) and Municipalities maintain a total length of roads of 23,464.607 km of which 5504.71km are cement concrete roads, 15,975.683 km are… Continue Reading Roads


Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project (TNSUDP) Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project (TNSUDP) is being implemented at a cost of Rs. 3831.00 crore which is supported by The World Bank. The project includes 3 components such as Urban Governance Component, Urban Sector Technical Assistance Component and Urban Investment Component. Among the above 3 components, the… Continue Reading TNSUDP

Urban Infrastructure

       The Government accords topmost priority to the creation of quality and efficient infrastructure. Creating and maintaining urban infrastructure is one of the greatest challenges to the ULBs. The Government accords topmost priority to the creation of quality and efficient infrastructure. Infrastructure works in Urban Local Bodies are taken up by accessing financial assistance from… Continue Reading Urban Infrastructure