E – Section: Engineering (Natural Calamities, Street Lights, Roads and Grievances of bidders)
- Street Lights Maintenance Municipal Assets – High Mask Light – Privatization of Street Lights
- Schemes under SRP, URIP Plastic roads, Road Signage, etc.
- Drought Relief works, Flood, Disaster Management, Natural Calamities.
- Maintenance of Office Building of CMA – Construction of R.D.M.A. office buildings
UGSS – Section: Underground Sewerage Scheme
- All Matters Pertaining to Drainage Schemes
- Investigation charges and maintenance charges payable to CMWSSB Board
- Analysis of Financial viability and Technical Capability of ongoing projects and existing drainage schemes
- Water Supply Schemes, RWH
- WS to the BPL families, progress monitoring
- Analysis of Financial viability and Technical capability of ongoing projects and existing water supply schemes
- Investigation charges and maintenance charges payable to TWAD Board
- Monitoring of water cess collection.
- Approval of water supply bye laws – (Including Grade-III Municipalities)
P – Section: Planning
The main roles of this section are:
- All Plan Schemes / Any new scheme introduced by Government
- Administrative Sanction, Review Monitoring and Evaluation of Revolving Fund
- Coordinating preparation of Plan Schemes
- Five Year Annual and Part II Scheme, Hill Area Development Programme (HADP)
The organizational hierarchy for the above section is shown below:
PPC – Section:Pricing Perspective Cell
- Collection and compilation of statistics of municipal administration – i.e. data regarding receipts and expenditure, employment etc.,
- Preparation of Municipal Directory – Furnishing data as and when required by other Departments and Government
- Preparation of Policy Note, Budget Speech and Performance budget including Corporations and Grade-III Municipalities.
WB – Section: World Bank Project, TNSUDP
- Fund and progress monitoring of External Aided Projects (TNSUDP)
IHSDP – Section: Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme
A new section relating to the Urban Local Bodies in the Constitution of India was added in 1992 to provide for
- Fund dispersal to Implementing Agencies For Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme
- Fund dispersal for Basic Services for Urban Poor Scheme
- Centralized sponsored scheme-JnNURM Fund.