VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY விருதுநகர் நகராட்சி Scheme Monitoring Status Report |
Printed Date :17-Aug-2024 11:21:27 AM | ||||||||||||||||||||
Input Parameter : Report Filter : Region; Region Name : TIRUNELVELI REGION; | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Region : TIRUNELVELI | ||||||||||||||||||||
S.No | Project ID | Name of Work | AS Details | TS Details | Work Order Date | Agreement Date | Agreement Period | Agreement Value | Physical Progress in % | Stage of the Work | Payment Made so far |
Financial Progress in % | Target Date As Per Agreement | Probable Date of completion | Review Remarks | |||||
AS Number | AS Date | AS Amount | TS Number | TS Date | TS Amount | |||||||||||||||
Region Status | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Region : TIRUNELVELI | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Scheme : 15th CFC | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/BUILDING/00080 | Conversion of Wood coal Gasifier cremotorium into LPG Bio Gas cremotorium at Pullalakottai Road | 31116/2021/amrut 2 | 05/Jan/2022 | 66 | 53 | 05/Jan/2022 | 10 | 31/Mar/2022 | 01/Apr/2022 | 90 Days | 8.79 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 10 | 1.77 | 30/Jun/2022 | |||
2 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/WS/00047 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF LIQUID CHLORINE GAS PLANT | 31116/ 2021/AMRUT/-2 | 05/Jan/2022 | 10 | 52 | 05/Jan/2022 | 10 | 31/Mar/2022 | 01/Apr/2022 | 90 Days | 8.77 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 10 | 1.77 | 30/Jun/2022 | |||
3 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/WS/00082 | Replacement of UGD copper cable for 125 KVA Genset at AnaiKuttam head works | 31116/2021/amrut 2 | 05/Jan/2022 | 66 | 50 | 05/Jan/2022 | 2 | 31/Mar/2022 | 01/Apr/2022 | 90 Days | 1.73 | 100 | work completed | 2 | 100.00 | 30/Jun/2022 | |||
4 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/WS/00083 | Replacement of motors (Anaikutam head works and madurai road) | 31116/2021/amrut 2 | 05/Jan/2022 | 66 | 49 | 05/Jan/2022 | 7 | 12/Jan/2023 | 01/Apr/2022 | 90 Days | 6.09 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 7 | 1.45 | 31/May/2022 | |||
5 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/WSIS/00079 | Construction of Compound wall at Annaikuttam Head works | 31116/2021/amrut 2 | 05/Jan/2022 | 66 | 61/REE/21-22 | 20/Jan/2022 | 35 | 11/May/2022 | 11/May/2022 | 180 Days | 31.69 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 35 | 100.00 | 07/Nov/2022 | |||
6 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/WSIS/00081 | Construction Compound wall at Ahmad Nagar OHT tank | 31116/2021/amrut 2 | 05/Jan/2022 | 66 | 54 | 05/Jan/2022 | 12 | 11/May/2022 | 11/May/2022 | 180 Days | 10.36 | 100 | work completed | 9.85 | 82.11 | 09/Nov/2022 | |||
7 | 15THCFC/2022-23/132/SWM/00031 | Supply and delivery of 13 Nos of Battery Operated Vehicle with lithium battery for Primary collection for SWM in Virudhunagar Municipality | 18277/2022/CFC-1 | 21/Mar/2023 | 120.9 | 18277-2 | 29/Mar/2023 | 26 | 17/May/2023 | 17/May/2023 | 30 Days | 24.44 | 100 | work completed | 25.66 | 98.70 | 16/Jun/2023 | |||
8 | 15THCFC/2022-23/132/SWM/00030 | Supply and delivery of Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) 2.0cum capacity with Box Tipper BS4 for using SWM work in Virudhunagar Municipality | 18277/2022/CFC-1 | 21/Mar/2023 | 120.9 | 18277-1 | 29/Mar/2023 | 94.9 | 12/Jun/2023 | 12/Jun/2023 | 30 Days | 94.47 | 100 | work completed | 94.47 | 99.55 | 12/Jul/2023 | |||
9 | 15THCFC/2022-23/132/ROAD/00028 | RENEWAL OF BT SURFACE AT KAMARAJ BY PASS ROAD(132030R258) ,H3.H3. ROAD (132003R153) IN VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY | 26/2021/B1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 80 | 281/R.E.E 2022-23 | 17/Mar/2023 | 80 | 11/Apr/2023 | 11/Apr/2023 | 0 | 66.17 | 100 | work completed | 79.36 | 99.21 | ||||
10 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/WS/00046 | Replacement of pumping main at summer storage tank | 31116/2021/AMRUT -2 | 06/Dec/2021 | 57 | 29/REE/2021-22 – 1 | 16/Dec/2021 | 50 | 07/Jun/2022 | 08/Jun/2022 | 3 Months | 45.5 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 46.13 | 5.07 | 31/Oct/2022 | |||
11 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/BUILDING/00113 | construction of compound wall in compost yard at Matthanayakkanpatti | 3116/2021/amrut-2 | 05/Jan/2022 | 57 | Roc.No.001/2022/D01 | 24/May/2022 | 57 | 29/Jul/2022 | 02/Aug/2022 | 180 Days | 49.08 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 57 | 2.13 | 29/Jan/2023 | |||
12 | 15TH CFC/2021-22/132/BUILDING/00002 | Construction of compound wall@ patel road (OHT) in Virudhunagar Municipality | 31116/2021/AMRUT -2 | 06/Dec/2021 | 57 | 47/21-22 – 2 | 16/Dec/2021 | 7 | 12/Jan/2022 | 12/Jan/2022 | 1 Months | 6.01 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 7 | 100.00 | 31/May/2022 | |||
Name of the Scheme : 15th CFC Tied Grant | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
13 | 15THCFC/2023-24/132/UGSS/00009 | ERECTION OF NON CLOG CENTRIFUGAL MOTOR ARRANGEMENTS AT LIFITING STATION AND PUMPING STATIONS | ROCNO:16496/2023/EA-2 | 07/Mar/2024 | 140 | 1363 | 11/Mar/2024 | 140 | 03/Jul/2024 | 0 | 108 | 1 | Motors QAP received for approval. | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
14 | 15THCFC/2023-24/132/PURCHASE/00013 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 6000LITRE CAPACITY OF WATER TANKER LORRY BSVI | 16496/2023/EA2 | 28/Aug/2023 | 21.15 | 1 | 05/Sep/2024 | 21.15 | 0 | 2 | ||||||||||
Name of the Scheme : 15th CFC UnTied Grant | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
15 | 15THCFCUNT/2024-25/132/ROAD/00007 | Relaying of Road-Cement Concrete Road132031R293-SIVANTHIPURAM STREET II , 132032R296-SIVANTHIPURAM KATTU STREET , 132032R295-SIVANTHIPURAM STREET III , 132031R292-SIVANTHIPURAM STREET I , | 11919 /2022/EA-2 | 29/Jan/2024 | 15 | 54 | 29/Jan/2024 | 15 | 12/Mar/2024 | 0 | 12 | 75 | 3 nos of road completed 75.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
16 | 15THCFCUNT/2024-25/132/ROAD/00006 | Relaying of Road-Bituminous Road132036R333-COLLEGE ROAD 2 , 132036R332-COLLEGE ROAD 1 , | 11919/2022/ EA-2 | 29/Jan/2024 | 33 | 53 | 29/Jan/2024 | 33 | 10/Apr/2024 | 10/Apr/2024 | 0 | 27 | 100 | Completed | 0 | 0.00 | ||||
17 | 15THCFCUNT/2024-25/132/ROAD/00005 | Relaying of Road-Bituminous Road132003R053-PULUKANOORANI ROAD , 132006R134-A.A.ROAD , 132003R153-H3.H3. ROAD , 132034R318-F.F.ROAD , 132036R331-SOUNDIRAPANDIAN ROAD , 132025R258-KAMARAJ BY PASS ROAD , | 11919/2022/EA-2 | 29/Jan/2024 | 85 | 152 | 29/Jan/2024 | 85 | 12/Mar/2024 | 0 | 69 | 100 | Completed | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
18 | 15THCFCUNT/2023-24/132/ROAD/00012 | Relaying of Road-Bituminous Road132003R052-PULLALAKOTTAI ROAD , | 5156/2023/B1 | 03/Jan/2024 | 43 | REENO:99/23-24 | 04/Jan/2024 | 43 | 15/Mar/2024 | 0 | 0 | 100 | Completed | 38 | 0.00 | |||||
19 | 15THCFCUNT/2023-24/132/ROAD/00011 | Relaying of Road-Bituminous Road132007R161-A.S.S.S.SANKARAPANDIAN ROAD , | 16496/2023/EA-2 | 28/Dec/2023 | 18.5 | 42 | 04/Jan/2024 | 18.5 | 15/Mar/2024 | 0 | 0 | 100 | Work completed | 16.7 | 0.00 | |||||
20 | 15THCFCUNT/2023-24/132/ROAD/00008 | Relaying of Road-Bituminous Road132010R184-RAILWAY FEEDER ROAD , 132012R192-RAILWAY FEEDER ROAD , | 5156/2023/A1 | 03/Jan/2024 | 59.5 | 100 | 26/Dec/2023 | 59.5 | 20/Feb/2024 | 0 | 49 | 85 | 501m length completed | 44.33 | 0.00 | |||||
Name of the Scheme : 15thCFC-Health | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
21 | 15THCFCUPC/2023-24/132/BUILDING/00039 | Construction of Urban Health Sub Centre Rahavbhadur Primary School Campus at Virudhunaagar Municipality. | 25875/2023/EA-2 | 16/Aug/2023 | 30 | 37 | 08/Jan/2024 | 30 | 15/Mar/2024 | 0 | 27 | 5 | Earthwork excavation is in progress | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
22 | NATIONAL U/2021-22/132/BUILDING/00002 | Construction of urban health wellness center (UHWC) | 32454/2021/AMRUT-2 | 17/Dec/2021 | 25 | 48 – 1 | 30/Dec/2021 | 25 | 11/May/2022 | 11/May/2022 | 270 Days | 21.77 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 25 | 100.00 | 28/Feb/2023 | |||
Name of the Scheme : AMRUT 2.O | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
23 | AMRUT 2.0/2022-23/132/PARK/00008 | Park at Madurai road Ward No : 1 , Block No : 4 , Survey. No : 68/1B & 68/4 in Virudhunagar Municipality | G.O Ms No. 7 MA & WS Dept | 20/Jan/2023 | 40 | 68 | 07/Feb/2023 | 40 | 29/Mar/2023 | 29/Mar/2023 | 180 Days | 33.39 | 100 | Work completed | 20.74 | 0.00 | 25/Sep/2023 | … | ||
24 | AMRUT 2.0/2022-23/132/PARK/00007 | Park at M.S.P. Nagar Dhayalan Rajesh Colony Ward No : 18 , Block No: 11 , TS. No : 728/125 in Virudhunagar Municipality | G.O Ms No.7 MA & WS Dept | 20/Jan/2023 | 44 | 267 | 07/Feb/2023 | 44 | 29/Mar/2023 | 30/Mar/2023 | 180 Days | 36.15 | 100 | Completed | 20.7 | 0.00 | 26/Sep/2023 | … | ||
Name of the Scheme : CGF | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
25 | CGF/2021-22/132/UGSS/00114 | Installation of online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System (OCEMS) in Sewage Treatment Plant in Virudhunagar Municipality | 1140 | 31/Dec/2021 | 42.2 | REENO:101/2021-22 | 11/May/2022 | 33 | 05/Aug/2022 | 05/Aug/2022 | 180 Days | 29 | 80 | System updated on 22.07.24. MACHINERY ERRECTED. STP motors repair and servicing work is in progress. Flow meter calibrations also completed. After completing the service work, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING Will be done . | 33 | 0.00 | 03/Feb/2023 | REE to monitor and expedite the work | ||
Name of the Scheme : CGF O & M | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
26 | CGF-O-M/2023-24/132/WS/00001 | Erection of 60Hp horizontal squirel cage induction motor at Aanaikuttam head works and 7.5 Hp submersible motor at Karisary kalquarry water lifting station. | 21062/2023/SS2 | 23/Jan/2024 | 105 | 52 | 24/Jan/2024 | 14 | 21/Feb/2024 | 0 | 11 | 100 | supply and fixing of one no of 60 hp motor is completed. and supply of 2 nos of 7.5hp motor is completed. | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
27 | CGF-O-M/2023-24/132/WSIS/00002 | Supply and laying of 350mm Dia DI (K9) pipe to length of 1065 meters from auto LPG bunk to Aanaikulaipalam at old Sivakasi road and Aanaikuttam pump house to Sivakasi main road junction | 21062/2023/SS2 | 23/Jan/2024 | 105 | 111 | 24/Jan/2024 | 91 | 21/Feb/2024 | 0 | 75 | 90 | Pipe is laid for 942M out of 1065M. Valve fixing is in progress | 74.24 | 0.00 | |||||
Name of the Scheme : Elementary Education Fund | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
28 | EE/2022-23/132/BUILDING/00029 | RENOVATION OF COMMUNITY CENTRE IN AHMAD NAGAR FOR PREPARING MORNING BREAK FAST FOR GOVERMENT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY | MCR:381 | 28/Mar/2023 | 5 | 103 | 29/Mar/2023 | 5 | 10/Apr/2023 | 10/Apr/2023 | 30 Days | 4.07 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 5 | 100.00 | 10/May/2023 | |||
Name of the Scheme : General Fund | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
29 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/SWM/00032 | Implementation of solid waste management activities through engaging service provider / agency / contractor in virudhunagar municipality | ROC.NO:32945/2022/EA-2-SWM-17 | 10/Jan/2023 | 538.59 | Roc.No.001/2022/D01 | 01/Feb/2023 | 538.59 | 05/May/2023 | 05/May/2023 | 1 Year | 452.11 | 40 | Door to door collection | 38.38 | 0.00 | 05/May/2024 | |||
30 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/UGSS/00013 | Desilting of wells and repairing of sewege submersible motor in UGSS at mathanayagan patti pumping station and mallakinaru lifting station | 208 | 30/Sep/2022 | 2.8 | 48 | 06/Oct/2022 | 2.8 | 30/Nov/2022 | 01/Dec/2022 | 15 Days | 2.31 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 2.75 | 98.36 | 16/Dec/2022 | |||
31 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/UGSS/00014 | Desilting of wells and repairing of sewege submersible motor in UGSS at Pullalakottai road lifting station ,Velusamy nagar lifting station,Paranginathapuram lifting station | 207 | 30/Sep/2022 | 2.35 | 47 | 06/Oct/2022 | 2.35 | 09/Jan/2023 | 10/Jan/2023 | 15 Days | 1.94 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 0 | 0.00 | 25/Jan/2023 | |||
32 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/UGSS/00015 | Replacement of 200mm UGSS pipeline intermediate manhole at Mathanayaganpatti road and infront of pumping station at mallankinaru road | 171 | 20/Sep/2022 | 2.2 | 39 | 20/Sep/2022 | 2.2 | 08/Nov/2022 | 09/Nov/2022 | 90 Days | 1.86 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 1.13 | 51.28 | 07/Feb/2023 | |||
33 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/UGSS/00017 | Repair and maintance works and supply and delivery of laboratory Accessories and chemicals to STP site at Mathanayaganpatti Road | 43 | 31/May/2022 | 6.6 | 19 | 06/Jun/2022 | 6.6 | 03/Oct/2022 | 03/Oct/2022 | 30 Days | 5.8 | 100 | work completed | 6.57 | 99.59 | 02/Nov/2022 | |||
34 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/UGSS/00012 | Repairs and maintance works for 50HP submersible electric motor in pumping station in aathupalam | 214 | 30/Sep/2022 | 0.47 | 54 | 06/Oct/2022 | 0.47 | 30/Nov/2022 | 01/Dec/2022 | 15 Days | 0.34 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 0.41 | 86.30 | 16/Dec/2022 | |||
35 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/UGSS/00011 | Removing the site in pumping station lifting station and pumping station in Aathupalam pumping station and repair the electric motors | 209 | 30/Sep/2022 | 5.7 | 49 | 06/Oct/2022 | 5.7 | 30/Nov/2022 | 01/Dec/2022 | 15 Days | 4.73 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 5.66 | 99.24 | 16/Dec/2022 | |||
36 | GENERAL/2022-23/132/BUILDING/00016 | Repairs and maintance work of doors,PVC pipes,electrical works ans other small repairs in west pandiyan colony @ , old bus stand Namma toilet | 111 | 20/Jul/2022 | 1.3 | 29 | 20/Jul/2022 | 1.3 | 06/Sep/2022 | 06/Sep/2022 | 60 Days | 1.12 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 1.29 | 99.12 | 05/Nov/2022 | |||
Name of the Scheme : Infra Gap Filling Fund | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
37 | INFRA GAP /2014-15/132/BUILDING/0000011 | Construction of Additional office building in existing municipal office ward no 15 block no-3 in virudhunagar municipality | G.O.MS.NO 56 | 14/May/2014 | 200 | 598 – 1 | 12/Nov/2018 | 200 | 10/Jan/2019 | 10/Jan/2019 | 12 Months | 191 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 200 | 6.83 | 10/Jan/2020 | … | ||
Name of the Scheme : Kalaignar Nagarpura Mempatu Thittam | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
38 | KALAIGNAR /2021-22/132/BUILDING/00086 | Construction of Knowledge Centre and Study Centre at Virudhunagar Municipality –Type-2 | G.O.(Ms) No.92 MAWS (NS) Dept. | 30/Oct/2021 | 200 | 513/2021-22 | 03/Dec/2021 | 200 | 07/Jan/2022 | 07/Jan/2022 | 18 Months | 158.33 | 100 | work complete. inauguration on 5.1.24 by honourable chief ministe | 170.18 | 85.09 | 07/Jul/2023 | Date of completion 30.6.2023 | ||
Name of the Scheme : Namakku Naame Thittam | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
39 | NAMAKKU NA/2021-22/132/SWD/00107 | Providing SWD and Culvert (Length 60.00m) (3.50 x 1.50) at Vignesh Colony Unicode : 132003R0354) | 27519-39/2021/P2 – II – SWD & Culvert | 06/May/2022 | 2 | 68 | 17/May/2022 | 2 | 17/May/2022 | 17/May/2022 | 2 Months | 1.74 | 80 | work dropped. The RDMA Forward letter for alternative proposal sent to DMA ROC NO:567/2023/B1 Dated on: 14.2.2023 | 0 | 0.00 | 15/Aug/2022 | — | ||
40 | NAMAKKU NA/2021-22/132/SWD/00112 | Laying of 75mm Dia PVC pipes and Specials near door no 51 @LIG Colony Backside of Town Planning Office Quarters | 27519-38/2021/P2 III | 06/May/2022 | 0.25 | 69 | 17/May/2022 | 0.25 | 17/May/2022 | 17/Jun/2022 | 0.22 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED PAYMENT MADE FOR BALAKRISHN(FULL AMOUNT PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION) | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
41 | NNT/2022-23/132/SOLAR/00018 | Providing solar High mast lights at in NEW BUS STAND in Virudhunagar Municipality (2 Nos) | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 96 | 16/Mar/2023 | 9.3 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 90 Days | 9.29 | 100 | work completed | 9.29 | 99.89 | 02/Jul/2023 | |||
42 | NNT/2022-23/132/SOLAR/00019 | Providing solar High mast lights at in Old Arupukottai road junction and TTK road junction in Virudhunagar Municipality (2 Nos) | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 97 | 16/Mar/2023 | 9.3 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 90 Days | 9.29 | 100 | work completed | 9.29 | 99.89 | 02/Jul/2023 | |||
43 | NNT/2022-23/132/SOLAR/00020 | Providing solar High mast lights at in OLD BUS STAND in Virudhunagar Municipality (2 Nos) | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 98 | 16/Mar/2023 | 9.3 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 90 Days | 9.29 | 100 | work completed | 9.29 | 99.89 | 02/Jul/2023 | |||
44 | NNT/2022-23/132/SOLAR/00021 | Providing solar High mast lights at in VNPR PARK in Virudhunagar Municipality (2 Nos) | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 99 | 16/Mar/2023 | 10 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 9.98 | 100 | work completed | 9.3 | 92.97 | |||||
45 | NNT/2022-23/132/SOLAR/00022 | Providing solar High mast lights at in Muthuramanpatti in Virudhunagar Municipality (1 No) | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 100 | 16/Mar/2023 | 4.7 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 90 Days | 4.7 | 100 | work completed | 4.7 | 99.89 | 02/Jul/2023 | |||
46 | NNT/2022-23/132/SWD/00010 | CONSTRUCTION OF DRAIN AND CULVERT IN KATCHERI SALAI | 567/2023/B1 | 14/Feb/2023 | 28 | 71 | 16/Feb/2023 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Work dropped . | 0 | 0.00 | ||||||
47 | NNT/2022-23/132/WSIS/00023 | Supplying and Fixing of RO plant at Fathima nagar ( burma colony 3rd street ( in Virudhunagar Municipality | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 91 | 16/Mar/2023 | 8.15 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 60 Days | 6.76 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 6.18 | 75.82 | 02/Jun/2023 | |||
48 | NNT/2022-23/132/WSIS/00024 | Supplying and Fixing of RO plant at west pandiyan colony ( B1,B1 road ( in Virudhunagar Municipality | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 92 | 16/Mar/2023 | 8.15 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 60 Days | 6.76 | 100 | work completed | 6.24 | 76.60 | 02/Jun/2023 | |||
49 | NNT/2022-23/132/WSIS/00025 | Supplying and Fixing of RO plant at ATP compound ( Periyapallivasal street ( in Virudhunagar Municipality | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 93 | 16/Mar/2023 | 8.15 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 60 Days | 6.94 | 100 | WORK completed. | 5.79 | 71.03 | 02/Jun/2023 | |||
50 | NNT/2022-23/132/WSIS/00026 | Supplying and Fixing of RO plant at LP Shanmugam street ( Gurusamy Kothanari street ( in Virudhunagar Municipality | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 94 | 16/Mar/2023 | 8.15 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 60 Days | 6.94 | 100 | WORK completed. | 7.51 | 92.17 | 02/Jun/2023 | |||
51 | NNT/2022-23/132/WSIS/00027 | Supplying and Fixing of RO plant at South car street ( in Virudhunagar Municipality | 567/2023/A1 | 16/Mar/2023 | 79.3 | 95 | 16/Mar/2023 | 4.1 | 03/Apr/2023 | 03/Apr/2023 | 60 Days | 3.38 | 100 | work completed | 3.28 | 79.91 | 02/Jun/2023 | |||
52 | NNT/2022-23/132/PARK/00034 | skating yard at VNPR park in Virudhunagar Municipality | 3184/2022/b1 | 12/Sep/2023 | 30 | 9 | 13/Sep/2023 | 30 | 15/Mar/2024 | 0 | 24 | 90 | Colour washing completed | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
53 | NNT/2022-23/132/PARK/00009 | SUPPLY AND FIXING OF PLAYING EQUIPMENT IN VNPR PARK AT COLLEGE ROAD | 567/2023/B1 | 14/Feb/2023 | 28 | 72 | 16/Feb/2023 | 3 | 01/Aug/2023 | 01/Aug/2023 | 0 | 2.99 | 100 | work completed | 3 | 100.00 | ||||
54 | NAMAKKU NA/2021-22/132/SL/00111 | Repair and replacemetnt of 30m high mast light light with 14 Nos. of 200Watts LED fitting near Mariyamman Temple | 27519-40/2021/P2 I | 21/May/2022 | 3.95 | 10 | 21/May/2022 | 3.95 | 15/Jun/2022 | 22/Jun/2022 | 3.3 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 3.95 | 100.00 | 15/Aug/2022 | ||||
55 | NAMAKKU NA/2021-22/132/PARK/00088 | PROVIDING PLAY MATERIALS AT VNPR PARK IN COLLEGE ROAD AT WARD 36. | 27519-34/2021/P2 | 26/Mar/2022 | 3 | 66 | 31/Mar/2022 | 3 | 11/Apr/2022 | 12/Apr/2022 | 2 Months | 2.65 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 3 | 100.00 | 31/Jul/2022 | |||
56 | NAMAKKU NA/2021-22/132/PARK/00087 | IMPROVEMENTS TO CHILLIES LAYOUT PARK IN LBS NAGAR (FOOTPATH,BORE WELL, LIGHTS, PLAY MATERIALS) | 27519-37/2021/P2 | 31/Mar/2022 | 4 | 67 | 31/May/2022 | 4 | 27/Apr/2022 | 27/Apr/2022 | 3.53 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED.PAYMENT MADE FOR ROTARY CLUB (FULL AMOUNT PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION) | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
57 | NAMAKKU NA/2021-22/132/BUILDING/00110 | Comstruction of Community Hall G+1 of Size 17.00 x 10.60 at Kabilar Street | 27519-40/2021/P2 II | 21/May/2022 | 30 | 148 | 07/Jun/2022 | 30 | 10/Aug/2022 | 10/Aug/2022 | 0 | 25.49 | 100 | work completed | 29.41 | 98.03 | 10/Dec/2022 | To be expedited | ||
Name of the Scheme : National Urban Health Mission | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
58 | NATIONAL U/2021-22/132/BUILDING/00003 | Construction of additional buildings to the existing Urban health centre at Annamalaiammal Municipal Urban Primary Health Centre | PROC.NO:1869/NHUM/SHS/2015 | 18/Oct/2021 | 45 | REE:221/2022-23 | 30/Dec/2021 | 45 | 06/Feb/2023 | 07/Feb/2023 | 12 Months | 36.04 | 98 | physically completed | 41.88 | 93.07 | 07/Feb/2024 | |||
Name of the Scheme : SBM | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
59 | SBM/2023-24/132/FECAL/00033 | Providing decanting facilities for co- treatment of faecal sludge and septage at matthanayaganpatti STP in Virudhunagar Municipality | 2800/2022/B12 | 09/Jun/2023 | 16 | 4 | 12/Jun/2023 | 16 | 07/Jul/2023 | 07/Jul/2023 | 180 Days | 13.4 | 70 | Civil work completed. Pipe laying is in progress. | 3 | 0.00 | 03/Jan/2024 | |||
Name of the Scheme : SBM 2.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
60 | SBM 2.0/2023-24/132/SWM/00010 | CONSRTUCTION OF 5 TPD MATERIAL RECOVER FACILITY CENTER MATHANAYAGANPATTI PATHAI IN VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY | 2800/2022/B2 | 07/Mar/2024 | 42.5 | 204 | 08/Mar/2024 | 42.5 | 02/Jul/2024 | 0 | 34 | 15 | Grade beam concrete completed | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
61 | SWACHH BHA/2022-23/132/SWM/00117 | Remove the Legacy waste Dumped (approximately 19230 cu.m) through Bio Mining process | ROC NO:’9512/2022/SBM-1 | 08/Jul/2022 | 137.6 | 332 | 25/Jul/2022 | 137.6 | 15/Sep/2022 | 15/Sep/2022 | 2 Year | 132.78 | 100 | 19230 cum of legacy waste processed. | 71.45 | 0.00 | 15/Sep/2024 | |||
62 | SWACHH BHA/2022-23/132/SWM/00004 | CONSTRUCTION OF MATERIAL RECOVERY FACILITIES (MRF) AT MATTHANAYKANPATTI COMPOST YARD IN WARD NO : 31 VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY . | ROC.NO.22083/2022/SBM2 | 13/Dec/2022 | 43 | REE NO:236/2022-23 | 23/Dec/2022 | 43 | 28/Feb/2023 | 01/Mar/2023 | 180 Days | 35.6 | 98 | Work completed | 40.3 | 93.72 | 28/Aug/2023 | |||
63 | SWACH BHAR/2021-22/132/SANITATION/00119 | CONSTRUCTION OF COMMUNITY TOILET AT EAST PANDIYAN COLONY WARD NO:1 IN VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY | 66 | 31/May/2022 | 48 | 12 | 01/Jun/2022 | 24 | 07/Jul/2022 | 08/Jul/2022 | 3 Months | 21.89 | 100 | work completed | 22.96 | 95.65 | 15/Apr/2023 | To be expedited | ||
64 | SWACH BHAR/2021-22/132/SANITATION/00118 | CONSTRUCTION OF COMMUNITY TOILET AT SATHYAMOORTHY STREET WARD NO:14 IN VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY | 66 | 31/May/2022 | 48 | 13 | 01/Jun/2022 | 24 | 07/Jul/2022 | 08/Jul/2022 | 3 Months | 21.89 | 100 | work completed | 24 | 100.00 | 15/Apr/2023 | To be expedited | ||
65 | SWACH BHAR/2021-22/132/SANITATION/00116 | CONSTRUCTION OF URINAL @MURGAN KOVIL EAST SIDE IN VIRUDHUNAGAR MUNICIPALITY | 74 | 31/May/2022 | 3.1 | 11 | 01/Jun/2022 | 3.1 | 14/Jul/2022 | 15/Jul/2022 | 3 Months | 2.73 | 100 | work completed | 1.5 | 48.39 | 15/Apr/2023 | |||
Name of the Scheme : SFC -SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANT – INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
66 | SFC-SCHOOL/2023-24/132/BUILDING/00041 | CONSTRUCTION OF THREE CLASS ROOMS IN GROUND FLOOR AND TOILET BUILDING AT PAVALI ROAD MUNICIPAL MUSLIM SCHOOL | ROC.NO.25741/2023/SS2 | 26/Oct/2023 | 204.5 | 85/2023-2024 | 31/Oct/2023 | 90.5 | 15/Dec/2023 | 15/Dec/2023 | 270 Days | 73.06 | 45 | Basement Completed | 13.8 | 0.00 | 10/Sep/2024 | |||
67 | SFC-SCHOOL/2023-24/132/BUILDING/00040 | CONSTRUCTION OF CHEMISTRY LAB WITH CLASS ROOM IN THANGAMMAL PERIYASAMY NADAR GIRLS HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS | ROC.NO.25741/2023/SS2 | 26/Oct/2023 | 204.5 | 976/2023-2024 | 06/Nov/2023 | 114 | 19/Dec/2023 | 19/Dec/2023 | 270 Days | 93.57 | 20 | Basement Completed | 0 | 0.00 | 14/Sep/2024 | |||
Name of the Scheme : SFC -SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANT-O&M WORKS | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
68 | SFCOANDM/2022-23/132/BUILDING/00038 | IMPROVEMENT TO EXISTING COMPOUND WALL WITH CYCLE STAND AT THANGAMMAL PERIYASAMY NADAR GIRLS HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL | ROC NO.6003/2023/SS2 | 25/Oct/2023 | 58 | REE NO:86/2023-24 | 31/Oct/2023 | 58 | 12/Dec/2023 | 12/Dec/2023 | 270 Days | 47.6 | 90 | Colour washing is in progress | 17.4 | 0.00 | 07/Sep/2024 | |||
69 | SFCOANDM/2023-24/132/BUILDING/00003 | Repair and Maintenance of Rao bahadhur Primary school | 25739/2023/SS2 | 23/Jan/2024 | 37 | 114 | 24/Jan/2024 | 17 | 27/Feb/2024 | 0 | 14 | 100 | Work completed | 11.1 | 65.29 | |||||
70 | SFCOANDM/2023-24/132/BUILDING/00004 | Repair and Maintenance of Rao bahadhur high school | 25739/2023/SS2 | 23/Jan/2024 | 37 | 115 | 24/Jan/2024 | 20 | 27/Feb/2024 | 0 | 16 | 100 | work completed | 0 | 0.00 | |||||
Name of the Scheme : SRP | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
71 | SRP/2020-21/132/ROAD/0000001 | PROVIDING PAVER BLOCK SURFACE AT RAMAN STREET AND POUND STREET | 20557/2020/E3 | 16/Dec/2020 | 144.75 | 623 – 1 | 22/Dec/2020 | 144.75 | 27/Jan/2021 | 27/Jan/2021 | 3 Months | 26.82 | 100 | WORK COMPLETED | 26.82 | 0.00 | 27/Apr/2021 | |||
Name of the Scheme : State Urban Infrastructure Development Fund | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
72 | STATE URBA/2022-23/132/SL/00120 | Conversion of Street Lights into energy efficient LED lights – 2865 Nos in Virudhunagar Municipality | Roc.No.30520/2022/WB,Dated.04.11.2022 | 04/Nov/2022 | 379.33 | 001/2022/DO1 | 379.33 | 27/Jan/2023 | 30/Jan/2023 | 365 Days | 0 | 85 | Fixing of Street light controller and street light survey work is in progress | 283.79 | 0.00 | 30/Jan/2024 | ||||
Name of the Scheme : TNCRUDP | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
73 | TNCRUDP/2023-24/132/UGSS/00037 | Under Ground Sewerage Scheme to the left out areas of Virudhunagar Municipality. | G.O.(MS)No.94 | 12/Jul/2023 | 5012 | 0 | 0 | 2 | ||||||||||||
Name of the Scheme : TURIP | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
74 | TURIP/2019-20/132/ROAD/0000004 | Providing B.T.surface with retro Reflective signage board and R.C.c. culvert at Anaikuttam Head works to summer storage tank (Package III) | 17349 | 03/Sep/2019 | 110 | 388 – 1 | 06/Nov/2019 | 110 | 10/Jan/2020 | 10/Jan/2020 | 1 Months | 93.73 | 100 | work completed | 110 | 23.64 | 10/Feb/2020 | CR to be submitted before 21.1.2023 | ||
76 | TURIP/2020-21/132/ROAD/0000012 |
Renewal BT surface at PP Vaiyapuri street |
9025/2020/E3 | 17/Jul/2019 | 205 | 133 – 1 | 25/Jul/2020 | 110 | 07/Sep/2020 | 07/Sep/2020 | 3 Months | 38.72 | 0 | WORKS DROPPED. As per DMA proceedings ROC NO:9025/2020/E1 DT:16.5.2022 | 0 | 0.00 | 07/Dec/2020 | |||
Name of the Scheme : UGD-Internal Plumbing | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name of the Muncipality : VIRUDHUNAGAR | ||||||||||||||||||||
77 | UGD-INTERN/2017-18/132/UGSS/0000010 | Providing Interlink connection between inner premises of resident and champer of house service connection – 12000 numbers | 4774/UGSS-1 | 26/Feb/2018 | 650 | 544 – 1 | 05/Mar/2018 | 650 | 05/Jun/2018 | 11/Jun/2018 | 12 Months | 573.03 | 45 | Notice issued to the contractor for the incompletion of UGSS house service connection. | 112.38 | 0.00 | 11/Jun/2019 | REE to review on daily basis |