Vickramasingapuram in Tirunelveli District is situated at a distance of 45 km from Tirunelveli, 30 kms from Courtralam, 180 kms from Madurai and 142 kms from Tiruvanadapuram etc. The nearest rail head is Ambasamudram (10 km). Nearest Airport are Tiruvandrum and Madurai. This holy place is on the Western ghat of Pothigai Hills..
Vickramasingapuram was elevated to Municipal Status in the year 2004. The population as per 1961 census was 34,003. The present population as per 2001 census is . Majority of the people belonging to Agriculture and also the wages of Madura Coats Mill (Famous mill for Export)
Transportation Linkages
Vickramasingapuram is linked with Tirunelveli by State High ways road. Vickramasingapuram is also linked with Quilon, and Tirunelveli by Railways at(via) Ambasamudram . And also a road link with Tenkasi via (Dana, Ambur, Kadayam)
The prevailing climate of this town is mostly pleasant. The temperature is about 290C most of the months except during May and September. The temperature is little above 290C during May and September.
Rain fall
Vickramasingapuram is receiving rainfall during summer, Northwest monsoon and Northeast monsoon seasons. The annual average rainfall of Vickramasingapuram is 2800 mm. The wind velocity is mild in most of the months except July and August. The wind velocity is high during June to August. Vickramasingapuram is a town getting bright sunlight during all the months of an year except on the days of rainfall.
Nature of Soil
Vickramasingapuram town has Three different types of soils viz. black loam, red loam and red sand are found in this town. The major portion is covered by red loam then come to red sand and black loam. The percentages of the Red loam, Red sand and Black loams are 50%, 30% and 20% respectively. In general, the soil in and around the town is of fertile nature and is good for agriculture purpose.