Public Disclosure

                                                            VANIYAMBADI MUNICIPALITY

                                                                PUBLIC DISCLOSURE DATA

                                                                             APPENDIX – I

S.No. Details of Information Periodicity of disclosure
1. Particulars of the Municipality Once in a year
2. Directory  
(a) i Chairperson  
ii Vice-chairperson
iii Councillors
iv Officers and Employees with specific particulars of Officers by designation who grant concessions, permits, licences or No Objection certificates or authorisations Once in a year or whenever changes are made
(b) Party Position in Council  
3. The minutes of the meetings of the council  Within a month of the meeting
4. Citizen’s Charter  Once in a year
5. Details of Land Owned by or Vested with the Municipality  Once in a year
6. Service Level being Provided  Once in Six months
7. Details of subsidy Programmes  Once in a year
  • Central Government Scheme
  • State Government Scheme
8. Procedure for availing various services, obtaining licences  
9. Details of Officers and Staff – For any specific grievances  Once in Six months
10. Particulars of ongoing works  Once in Six months
Such other information as may be directed by the Government Whenever necessary

                                                                             APPENDIX – II

S.No. Details of Information Periodicity of disclosure
1 Annual budget Once in a year, within a month of approval of budget by the Council.
2 Audited financial statements Once in a year, within a month of the receipt of the audit report.
3 Particulars of the Master Plan, City Development Plan Updated on 01.04.2019
4 Publication of amendments to the Municipal Acts, Rules,Water Supply,Bye-Laws Once in a year during the financial year or as and when necessary
5 Administrative Report  
6 Service Level Bench Mark 16-17

Service Level Bench Mark 17-18

Service Level Bench Mark 18-19

7 SJSRY Beneficiaries List  
 8 D.C.B  
Disclosure of such other information as may be directed by the Government As may be directed by the Government.