Solid Waste Management



Usilampatti town lies 28km South West of Theni town and 38km West of Madurai city on the Rameswaram-Cochin National High way Extn. No. 49. It is situated between 10o 37’ North latitude and 77O 29’  on east longitude. Usilampatti town Panchayat has been upgraded as third grade municipality in 1995 as per G.O. No. 224 dated: 11.12.1995 and upgraded as second grade municipality in 1998 as per G.O.Ms.No.311, dated: 26.11.1998 in Madurai District Usilampatti is a Part of Madurai Region with an area of 13.85 Sq. Km.

The town is divided into 24 wards and population as per 2011 census is 35219 while the current (2018) population is 39710. It is spread over 13.85 Sq. Km. with a total length of 27.30 km of roads. The town is having 10174 households and 800 commercial establishments. The average quantity of municipal solid waste in Usilampatti Municipality is 10 MT with per capita generation of 150 gms per day.

  • The wet waste are collected at Door steps every day
  • The dry waste is being collected once in a week i.e. Wednesday
  • The Domestic Hazardous waste such as Napkin, Diaper collected along with wet waste
  • E-Waste, other domestic hazardous waste and C&D waste collection are yet to be practiced.
  • Animators are involved in imparting the practice of Source segregation through behavioral change.

Table 1: 1% of D2D collection & source segregation

Waste Generation 10 TPD
Door to Door Collection% 100%
Source Segregation % 90%

Usilampatti Municipality generates a total of 10MT/Day of Solid Waste with a per capita generation of 150 gms. / day. In the whole town, all SWM processing activities are planned to be covered by one MCC at Peraiyur Road with capacity of 5 tons/day. Out of 24 wards about 1 ward is situated scatterly. The residents in this area render their co-operation to ULB by practising Home Composting at their backyards. However considering the total population of theTown Processing facilities are planned.

Sl. No. Source of Waste No. of HH/Assessment Per Capita Waste generation (in grams) Waste Generation in TPD Inert, silt and C & D Waste
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Domestic 10174 150 4.50 1.50 6.00 1200
2 Commercial 800 0.50 0.50 1.00
3 BWG 12 1.00 0.80 1.80
4 Industrial
Total 10986 150 6 2.800 8.800 1200


Note : BWGs are handling their waste themselves as discussed in Section 2.3


  1. Collection and Transportation

BOV Vehicles to be use at 400HH/vehicle/day (Covering 3 Trips)

LCV Vehicles to be use at 1200HH/Vehicle/day (Covering 3 Trips)

Primary Collection at Door steps is being done and wastes collected by using push carts and and directly transported to dump yard. This is being done using.

  • 19 BOV Vehicle
  • 4 LCV Vehicle
  • 1 No. Tipper Lorry for 800 Commercial Establishments
  • 1 Tipper Lorry for C&D Waste.
  • Secondary Collection and Transportation Partially achieved.
  • 1 Tipper Lorry for Market waste
  • 12 BWGs have been identified in Usilampatti Municipality comprising 10 Kalyanamandapams, 1 Hostel and 1 Market

Register related to the BWG are being maintained as per the guidelines provided in the SWM  rule 2016 and CPHEEO manual.

Total Waste generated to the don of 1.800 TPD is being handled by the BWG’s themselves with the establishment of onsite facilities. In this way about 18% of waste is reduced by the Municipality at the collection stage itself as per the provisions of SWM Rules 2016.

  1. Processing Status on Disposal of Solid Waste
  • Partially handled, processed and converted as compost.
  • Micro level compost centre are yet to be established on Decentralized basis in 1 Location covered the whole town (covering 24 wards)
  • At present 10 households are participating home composting process about 4kg of wet waste per day.
  • Saleable Dry Wastes such as Recyclable plastic waste are sold to recyclers and the workers are permitted to share the monetary benefits.