Udumalpet Municipality
Sewerage Existing Situation
Water Supply situation in Udumalpet is in satisfactory condition. Daily supply is maintained in this Municipality at the rate of 110 LPCD.
The present two Water supply schemes were implemented utilizing the water from the Thirumoorthy Dam and Palar River located at a distance of 15 Km from this city. The first Water Supply supply scheme with river Palar as source for this town with 9 way side villages was executed at an estimate cost of Rs.29.60 lakhs is the year 1961. In continuously another source from the Thirumoorthy dam is drawan for the above scheme and the water was pumped through 20HP pump sets of 2 Nos. to the Treatment plant and the water is treated in the slow saved filter-Debs and the treated water is flowing to the town and way-side villages by 375 mm gravity mains.
As the population increased in the year 1971 to 39343, an improvement scheme was implemented at an estimate cost of Rs.19.07 lakhs to lay the additional pumping main from Booster – to Treatment plant and construction of additional slow sand filter Bed of 1 No at Treatment Plant. After completing the improvement scheme 3.137 MLD was pumped from this scheme and water supply was made to the Public of the town at the rate of 65 LPCD.
The population of this town was expected as 54852 in the year 1971 and the Mid-year population was 77700. Hence the second water supply scheme was implemented at an estimate cost of Rs.673 lakhs in the year 1997 as the source of Thirumoorthy Dam water. This scheme was designed expecting a population of 92000 on the year 2001 and 123000 is the ultimate stage year of 2016 at the rate of water supply 110 LPCD to the town and 40 LPCD to the way-side villages. The designed quantity of the scheme is 11.073 MLD. The water is drawn from the Thirumoorthy Dam and pumped to the Treatment plant through the 50HP Pump-sets and treated water is flowing from the Treatment Plant in the 100MM dia gravity main to the town. At present a total quantity of 88 lakhs liters of water has been pumped from both schemes and realized 69.20lakhs liters of water is the town after utilizing the remaining water to the way side villages and cleaning of Filter Beds. Present service level of water supply is 110 LPCD for the present population of 60,600.
Ward No. | Length of Drain | Ward No. | Length of Drain |
1 | 2.14 KM | 16 | 3.24 |
2 | 3.55 | 17 | 2.4 |
3 | 2.03 | 18 | 2.46 |
4 | 3.27 | 19 | 5.34 |
5 | 4.69 | 20 | 3.66 |
6 | 7.28 | 21 | 3.82 |
7 | 2.80 | 22 | 3.20 |
8 | 2.03 | 23 | 3.27 |
9 | 2.84 | 24 | 3.07 |
10 | 4.70 | 25 | 2.90 |
11 | 2.53 | 26 | 2.94 |
12 | 2.13 | 27 | 2.56 |
13 | 2.16 | 28 | 3.90 |
14 | 2.20 | 29 | 1.90 |
15 | 2.65 | 30 | 5.03 |
31 | 3.04 | ||
32 | 3.87 | ||
33 | 3.09 | ||
Highway Road | 17.98 | ||
Total | 119.73 |