A view of town planning
Tiruchirappalli City Corporation consists of 65 wards and 4 zonal offices, namely, Srirangam, Ariyamangalam, Ponmalai and K.Abishekapuram. Each zone is headed by Assistant Commissioner under the control of Commissioner, Tiruchirappalli City Corporation
Plan Approval & Building Permission
Plan approval and building permission is given by the Assistant Commissioners of respective zones for residential buildings whose area is 1500 sq. ft. and for non-residential buildings whose area is 100 sq.ft.
Planning Section
The planning is presently headed by an Executive Engineer, who is authorized to give plan approval and building permission for the residential building area above 1500 sq.ft. and for the non-residential building above 100 sq.ft. He is also authorized to acquire land for the Corporation and submit new lucrative and income-yielding projects to the Corporation.
Unapproved Layout
When the erstwhile Tiruchirappalli Municipality was upgraded into a Corporation, certain neighbouring village Panchayats and Town Panchayats were added to the Corporation, where several unapproved layouts existed. Hence, this corporation stopped issuing of plan approval and building permission then, in the G.O.Ms. 1 MAWS Department dated 8/1/2002, Orders were issued to approve the unapproved layouts by making certain relaxation in the rules. In Compliance with G.O. 235 Nos. of unapproved layouts were identified, sold prior to 22.9.2000. and regularized. Also in compliance with Government letter No. 33165/MCA1/2001, the period was further extended and 101 Nos. of unapproved layouts were regularized. 10% of current value of the land to be identified for public purpose, was collected from all these layouts and considerable income was realized through road improvement charges and regularization charges.
Also, those buildings which were constructed between 1.1.1980 to 31.3.2002 without approval or with violation of rules were identified and notices were served to them to regularize the same. Through this process, considerable income was realized by this Corporation.
Advertisement charges are being collected by this Corporation for hoardings put up within the Corporation limit.
Income-yielding Projects:
This Corporation has a comprehensive project to construct 3 storeyed centrally air-conditioned shopping complex with 274 shops at an outlay of Rs.768.23 Lakhs. TNUDP has agreed in principle to give 90% financial assistance to this scheme and the remaining 10% shall be met from the Corporation General fund.
This Corporation also has a project to construct a new Shopping Complex and divisional office at Srirangam Zone, Madurai Road, Chathiram Campus at an outlay Rs.691.40 Lakhs with the financial assistance of TNUDP.
Working Women’s Hostel:
Also a detailed plan is on the anvil to construct working women’s hostel with 50 rooms in K.Abshiekapuram Zone, Puthur, Vannarapettai with 75% grant from the Central Government, 10% load from TNUDP and 15% from General Fund.
Panchappur Bus Terminus(Integrated Bus Terminus)
Government orders are expected to construct an Integrated Bus Terminus at Golden Rock Zone, Viralimalai Road, Panchappur area on 150 acres of land.
Devadanam Bus Terminus:
Action is being taken to construct a bus terminus at Ariyamangalam zone, Trichy –Chennai bye-pass road, Devadanam area on 43 acres of land.
Whole – sale Market:
Government orders are expected for the construction of a wholesale market in Ariyamangalam Zone, Trichy-Chennai bye-pass road, Varaganeri area on 50 acres of land.
Thillainagar Shopping Complex:
A new project is being evolved to construct a new shopping Complex in the existing Thillainagar daily market area.
Woriyur Market:
A new project is being evolved to construct a new daily market in the existing Woraiyur market area.
Palakkarai Boys Club Market:
Action is being initiated to shift an existing daily market in Eda Street area to Palakkarai Boys Club area.
Construction of new Daily Market and Yathri Nivas @ Srirangam:
A new project is being prepared to shift the existing daily market in the Srirangam North Adayavalanjan Street to Srirangam, near bus terminus and to construct a Yathri Nivas for the benefit of pilgrims visiting the area.
Extension of Central Bus Terminus:
Action has been taken to acquire 2 acres of railway land adjacent to the Central Bus Terminus and to extend the area of the same.
Town Planning Projects:
The following projects will be implemented in a planned manner to improve the City.
* Puthur Road West Extension.
* Salai Road Extension.
* Keelapudur Planning.
* Cantonment Planning.
* Puthur Extension Planning.
* Railway affected land Project – I
* Railway affected land Project – II
* Railway affected land Project – III
* Bye-pass road planning project – I
* Bye-pass road planning project – II
* Bye-pass road planning project – III
* Bye-pass road planning project – IV
* Bye-pass road planning project – V
* Jambukeswara Nagar Planning.
* Ragavendra Nagar Extension Planning.
Town Survey Section:
Town Survey Section comprises of 3 survey officers and 6 field assistants, deputed by District Survey office, whose salaries are paid the Tahsildar office. 1/3rd of their salary amount is being reimbursed by this Corporation. Their duty is to identify encroachment, and settle land disputes among public name transfer in pattas. Also, the Assistant Director of Survey has been requested to survey the newly added 8 Nos. of revenue firkas to this Corporation.
Rain Water Harvesting:
Awareness among the public about Rain Water Harvesting has been created by this Corporation through camps, processions and NGOs and so far Rain Water Harvesting Structures have been constructed in this Corporation limit.
Moreover, Rain Water Harvesting is being insisted upon as a pre-condition for obtaining plan approval and building permission. So far 390 Nos. of Rain Water Harvesting structures have been constructed in the Corporation building and 3379 Rain Water Harvesting structures have been constructed in private buildings.