All Schemes

1. Revolving fund of UIDSSMT 2018-19
Name of the work Providing Internal Plumbing Works for Water Supply HSC in (9074 Nos.)
AS No. The CMA, Chennai-05, Proc.No. 13277/2018/WS1  dated: 03.07.2018
Estimate Amount Rs.316.50 Lakhs
Date of Tender 26.02.2019
Date of Work order 06.03.2019
Present Stage of work Out of 9074 Nos. HSC 2557 Nos. HSC connection given
Expenditure So far Rs.58.16 Lakhs
2. TURIP 2020-21
Name of the work Providing BT Surface with Storm Water Drain
AS No. CMA, Chennai Proc.No.9025/2020/E3 dated: 17.07.2020
Estimate Amount Rs.300.00 Lakhs
No. of Package taken up 2 Nos. (10 No. of Roads)
Date of Tender 17.09.2020
Date of Work order 03.02.2021
Present Stage of work Out of 10 Nos Roads 4 No. of Road completed balance work in progress
Expenditure So far Rs.133.76 Lakhs
3. KNMT 2021-22 (Roads)
Name of the work Providing BT Surface with Storm Water Drain
AS No. GO (MS) No.92  MA & WS (NS) Dept.  Dated: 30.10.21
Estimate Amount Rs.409.99 Lakhs
No. of Package taken up 2 Nos. (11 No. of Roads)
Date of Tender 30.11.2021
Date of Work order 10.12.2021
Present Stage of work 4 No. of roads – SWD works completed balance work in progress (Retender called on 18.03.2022)
Expenditure So far Nil
4. KNMT 2021-22 (LPG Crematorium)
Name of the work Construction of LPG Crematorium at Chengam Road (Near Emalingam)
AS No. GO (MS) No.92  MA & WS (NS) Dept.  Dated: 30.10.21
Estimate Amount Rs.150.00 Lakhs
Date of Tender 15.12.2021
Date of Work order 10.01.2022
Present Stage of work Earth work under progress
Expenditure So far Nil
5. KNMT 2021-22 (Library and Knowledge Centre)
Name of the work Construction of Library and Knowledge Centre at Thirukovilur Road
AS No. GO (MS) No.92  MA & WS (NS) Dept.  Dated: 30.10.21
Estimate Amount Rs.199.00 Lakhs
Date of Tender 21.12.2021
Date of Work order 24.01.2022
Present Stage of work Retender called on 18.03.2022
Expenditure So far Nil
6. NULM 2020-21 (Urban Homeless Shelter)
Name of the work Construction of Night Shelter Building for Urban Homeless
AS No. 7th Project Sanctioning Committee for SUH MoM dated: 02.02.2021
Estimate Amount Rs.100.00 Lakhs
No. of Works 2 Nos.
Date of Tender 12.10.2021
Date of Work order 02.12.2021
Present Stage of work Basement work under progress
Expenditure So far Nil
7. IUDM 2020-21
Name of the work Providing BT Surface and CC Pavement
AS No. GO (D) No.303  MA & WS (MA.2) Dept.  Dated: 09.09.20
Estimate Amount Rs.443.50 Lakhs
No. of Package taken up 4 Nos.
Date of Tender 15.10.2020
Date of Work order 03.02.2021
Present Stage of work Out of 4 No. of works – 2 No. of work completed balance work under progress
Expenditure So far Nil
8. SRP 2020-21
Name of the work Providing BT Surface and CC Pavement
AS No. Commissioner of Municipal Administration, Chennai ROC No. 20557/2020/E3  dated: 16.12.2020
Estimate Amount Rs.436.00 Lakhs
No. of Package taken up 6 Nos.
Date of Tender 16.09.2021
Date of Work order 25.11.2021
Present Stage of work Work cancelled
Expenditure So far Nil