About Corporation
Tiruppur started off as a small union and became a town with the inclusion of Thennampalayam, Karuvampalayam and Valipalayam villages on 1st of December 1917. It was constituted as a Third Grade Municipality then. The executive powers were with the Chairperson then and from 27.08.1934 a separate Government appointed officer is looking after and discharging the responsibilities of Executive Authority. The town was upgraded to Second Grade from 27.09.1934, First Grade from 01.04.1967, Selection Grade from 01.04.1972 and Special Grade from 06.01.1983 signifying the faster growth of the town and its revenues.
The town was upgraded as a City Municipal Corporation from 01.01.2008. As per G.O.Ms.No 11, M.A.W.S. Department dt. 06.01.2011, and G.O.Ms.No 89, M.A.W.S. (Election) Department dt. 28.06.2011. Nearby 15-Velampalayam Municipality, Nallur Municipality and Andipalayam, Chettipalayam, Mannarai, Muthanampalayam, Murugampalayam, Veerapandi, Neruperichal, Thottipalayam village panchayats are merged with Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation. w.e.f. 25.10.2011. The total area of the corporation is 159.35 Sq.Km with 60 wards. Total population as per 2011 census is 877778.
One of the earliest activities of the town was the setting up of a Cotton Market Committee. The Committee decided on utilizing the monetary benefits through the trade for improving the civic facilities in the town. The town has grown commercially with a well-developed knitting industry with private initiatives.
Novel Corona Virus [COVID 19]
விழித்திரு, விலகியிரு
Novel Corona virus disease ( COVID-19 ) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered Corona virus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
Control Room Help Line : 0421-2240153
Water Supply Distribution Details
Contact Address
Thiru.Kranthi Kumar Pati, IAS.,
Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation,
Mangalam Road,
Tiruppur – 641604.
Phone Office : 0421-2240153,2242101
e-Mail : commr.tiruppur@tn.gov.in

The new website https://tnurbanepay.tn.gov.in has been created by incorporating All municipalities and Corporations across Tamilnadu, except Chennai by providing facilities pay tax for asset, drinking water, housing, sewerage and lease categories, and providing birth certificates on-line.

Corporation at a Glance
- General
District : Tiruppur
Corporation : Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation
State : TamilNadu - Area
Total : 159.35 Sq.Km - Population
Total : 877778
Male : 439443
Female : 438335

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