S. No.   Name of Standing Committees * Total Number of Members of Standing Committees 
1 Accounts Committee  7
2 Education Committee  7
3 Public Health Committee 7
4 Finance and Taxation Committee 7
5 Town Planning Committee  7
6 Works Committee  7
7 Appointment  Committee  1
8 Taxation Appellate Committee 10
Accounts Committee
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mr. K. P. Gopalsamy 6
2 Mrs. P Premalatha 10
3 Mrs. M Latha 19
4 Mr. K Muthukrishnan 35
5 Mrs. A. Shanthi 39
6 Mrs. P Jayasudha 47
7 Mrs. K Vijayalakshmi 48
Education Committee 
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mr. P. Divakaran 36
2 Mrs. K Malathi 2
3 Mrs. P Premalatha 10
4 Mr. M Damodaran 18
5 Mrs. N. Tulasimani 23
6 Mrs. M. Santhamani 38
7 Mrs. R Manimegalai 53
Public Health Committee 
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mrs. K. Kavita 57
2 Mrs. S. Anushya Devi 13
3 Mr. V K Cheliyan 17
4 Mr. M Damodaran 18
5 Mrs. K Padmavathi 21
6 Mrs. S Santhamani 43
7 Mr. R Saminathan 59
Finance and Taxation Committee
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mrs. K Gomati 60
2 Mrs. K Malathi 2
3 Mrs. M Latha 19
4 Mr. S Kumar 20
5 Mr. A. Rajendran 31
6 Mrs. A. Shanthi 39
7 Mrs. S Fathima Dasrin 45
Town Planning Committee 
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mrs. K Loganayaki 3
2 Mrs. S. Anushya Devi 13
3 Mr. R. Nagaraj 24
4 Mr. K Muthukrishnan 35
5 Mrs. M. Santhamani 38
6 Mrs. P Jayasudha 47
7 Mrs. E. Gandhimati 58
Works Committee 
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mr. P Senthilkumar 34
2 Mrs. K. Velammal 8
3 Mrs. K Padmavathi 21
4 Mrs. N. Benazir 50
5 Mr. C Arunachalam 54
6 Mrs. E. Gandhimati 58
7 Mr. R Saminathan 59
Appointment  Committee
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mrs. A. Subadra Devi 40
Taxation Appellate Committee
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mr. N Dineshkumar 49
2 Mrs. K. Velammal 8
3 Mr. S. Selvaraj 11
4 Mrs. S. Anushya Devi 13
5 Mr. M Damodaran 18
6 Mr. V. Radhakrishnan 22
7 Mr. R. Nagaraj 24
8 Mr. K Muthukrishnan 35
9 Mr. R Balasubramaniam 37
10 Mrs. M. Santhamani 38
Zonal Chairman & Standing Committee
S. No.   Name of the Elected Public Representative  Ward Number 
1 Mrs. V. Umamageshwari 12
2 Mr. R. Govindaraj 32
3 Mr. C. Govindasamy 46
4 Mr. I Padmanabhan 41
5 Mrs. A. Subadra Devi 40
6 Mr. K. P. Gopalsamy 6
7 Mr. P. Divakaran 36
8 Mrs. K. Kavita 57
9 Mrs. K Gomati 60
10 Mrs. K Loganayaki 3
11 Mr. P Senthilkumar 34
12 Mr. N Dineshkumar 49