Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management Profile


Name of District:          Madurai                                                              

Name of Municipality:  Tirumangalam

  1. General Particulars


No of Assessment Total Road Length in KM Revenue In Lakhs Expenditure on pay & Pension in Lakhs % of  Expenditure on pay & pension Garbage Generation in MT
51215 16038 49.89 489.00 240.00 49% 24MT
  1. Waste characterization
Date of test organic/






Paper(%) Plastic(%) Energy Content (KJ/Kg)
organic waste Non organic waste
27.2.12 54.74 0.10 12.73 12.56 13.14MT




  1. Primary Collection
Type of Vehicle No of Assessment Required Available No of trips per Day Quantity collected per Day Shortfall Action Taken to overcome Shortfall
Push cart 16038 80 120 160 16 MT
Tricycle   10 40 8 MT
Mini Auto
  1. Secondary Collection & Transportation
Type of Vehicle No of Assessment Required Available Capacity in MT No of trips per Day Quantity collected per Day Shortfall




Action Taken to overcome Shortfall
Auto 16038              
Tipper Lorry 3 3  1.5MT 12 24T
Dumper placer 1 1 2 MT
Refuse collector


  1. Compost yard
Required Extent as per norms Available Extent Location

(mention the distance from core Town)

Survey no Adequate or not If Inadequate Action Taken Land issue if any(attach separate sheet if necessary)
5.00 Acres 5.21 Acres Karisalpatti 3.5 KM 2/3B Adequate



Windrow system of composting Vermi composting Vermi casting Bio gas Bio gas power plant Landfill Dumping RDF
Yes Yes

G.Sanitary workers Detail

Name of post Sanctioned post As per norms(GO101 dt 30.04.1998) Presently Available Shortfall between sanctioned strength & norms Outsourcing privitization if any(Status)
Sanitary workers 92 164 81 83 Yes
Sanitary Inspector 2 4 2 2
Sanitary officer 1
Driver 4 4