Storm Water Drains

Storm Water Drains

​ The performance of a Thuvakudib Municipality will be best judged by its conservancy services to the public.

In all 21 wards in the municipality, garbage and solid wastes in all forms are collected three times a week from 1-15 wards in the mornings, and from the remaining wards in the afternoons.

  • The effective, early and unobtrusive clearance of all the refuse and garbage that are generated every day in houses, lanes, streets, markets and public places is the measure of excellence of the Municipal service.
  • The conservancy includes collection, transport and disposal of garbage in all forms and solid wastes.
  • The Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forest notified the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules in 2000.
  • The Municipal Authorities within the area of Municipalities shall be responsible for the implementation of the provisions of Rules or for any infrastructure devolvement, for collections, storage, segregation, transportation, processing and disposal of Municipal solid wastes.
  • The total length of the open drainage in the municipality is 35.10 km. In this, the chemical   phentheion is sprayed ranging from 300 ml to 500 ml a day in order to maintain the good sanitations of the public.