Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management

Thoothukudi town generates 102 m.t of solid waste per day out of this nearly 96 m.t. of collected ,transported and disposed daily. The total garbage collected constitutes 48% of the domestic wastes, 42 % Commercial construction wastes. The details of solid waste composition and collection are shown:

Description of services Status
Total Solid Waste Generation /day(in m.t) 102
Total Solid Waste Collection/day (in m.t) 96
Percentage of coverage 94
Frequency of collection daily
Number of dust bins provided in the town 351
Per capita waste generation(grams) 350
Per Capita waste collection(grams) 330


Waste composition Quantity (MT) % Ge
Households petty shops and establishments 77.00 75%
Vegetable ,Fruit, Flower Market 18.00 18%
Meat, Fish and Slaughter house 2.50 2.5%
Construction 2.50 2.5%
Total 102.00 100%


The solid waste management collection expanded in 51 wards which covers 31 wards by Corporation and 4 zone extended to 20 wards which cover by private agencies and cover all 51 wards daily.


This Corporation has 534 acres compost yard at Tharuvaikulam 12 Kms away from Thoothukudi. Previuosly the garbages collected from 51 wards dumping in 12 premier collection point, from the premier collection point the garbages are shifted and thumbed in compost yard. The existing compost yard is not provided with adequate infrastructure facilities such as road, V Segregation platform, mechanical sewer and security room.


Sanitary division Wards Covered Population Covered Generation
I 2,3,4,7,8 21234 9.73
II 1,5,6,9,10 25393 11.64
III 11,12,13,17,18 14524 6.66
IV 14,15,16,23 19302 8.85
V 19,20,21,22,24 154493 7.13
VI 25,26,27,28,29 14293 6.55
VII 30,31,32,33 23262 10.66
VIII 48,49,50,51 26034 11.94
IX 52,53,54 25859 11.86
X 55,56,57,58 26294 12.06
XI 68,39,41 10742 4.92
XII 34,35,36,37    
XIII 40,44,45    
XIV 42,43,46,47    

The Present mechanism

of solid waste management exhibits that the waste is segregated in degradable and non-degradable (Plastics) waste . Due to constraints involved in getting approval from board there is no production of manure is take place at the Compost yard site.

Segregation of Waste at Source : Each and every household person is instructed by the Urban separate baskets for segregation of waste as degradable and non-degradable and keep the baskets in front of their houses for easy handling of the solid waste management system.

Creating awareness among the public
To create awareness among the public and to realise the importance of segregation of garbage distributed to each and every houses/households and propaganda on the Zero garbage by  the Health Division of Corporation, SJSRY Group presidents. At Present 12 Wards amoung 51 are given to self help group to maintain primary collections and awareness of segregation at source as per SWM rules.

Action Plan to cover edntire area of the town
At present, 34.220 crores project has been prepared for the 100% implementation of Solidwaste management system in the town.

Initiating an action to privatize the Solid Waste Management System
wards of this Corporation as detailed below were privatized and the sanitary staff, they were worked in the 20 wards are transferred to other remain 31 wards and Solid Waste Management programme established in all wards.