Engineering Section

The Municipal Engineer is the over-all in-charge of Engineering Section.  Municipal Engineer is controlling the Public Works oversear, Wireman, Helper and Fitter working in the section. The Municipal Engineer looks after the maintenance, Street lights, Road laying, construction of building and drainage, Maintenance of parks, head works and municipal vehicles.  The other subordinate officers are assisting the Engineer to look after the above work.

Sl.No Name(Thiru/Tmt) Designation Cell Number
1 P.Cecil Thomas
Municipal Engineer
2 D. Santha Kumar Public Works Overseer
 97913 22100
3 A. Subramanian Fitter 6374554493
4 K. Ramalingam  Wireman 9789350078
5 Vijayakumar   L Wireman 8012493913
6 Vacant Electrician  
7 Vacant Wireman helper
8 M.G.Ravi Wireman helper 9944148974
9 Vacant Electrician
10 Vacant Head works watchman  
11 M.Karunanidhi Fountain Cleaner  8925362996
12 K.G.Karunakran Pump house watchman  9787270279
13 A.Jothi Reservoir Watchman 9003636625
14 R.Elancheziyan  Driver 9791411955
15 E.Gopal Driver 9345634471
16 S.Ilamvazhuthi Driver  737305920322