குடிநீர் விநியோகம்

Existing Situation

Tirupattur Municipality maintains protected Water Supply scheme from 1972. The population of the town is 60803. The main source is from the River “Palar” in Ambalur village which is situated at 22 kms away from this town. Water is drawn from the River by means of infiltration and collection wells and pumped directly to the three service reservoirs in the town having a capacity of 11.35 lakhs liters, 2.5 lakhs liters and 10.00 lakhs liters. Total quantity of water required is 55 lakhs liters per day. In normal days 55 lakhs liters are supplied (i.e. 90 liters per head per day). At present there is no flow in the River. Hence water is drawn only from 13 deep bore wells out of 17 provided in the same River bed. Now 37 lakhs liters are only pumped per day from these bore wells and infiltration. Water is supplied in alternative days at the rate of 35 LPCD.

Apart form this, there are 248 bore wells (215 Nos fitted with hand pumps and 17 Nos fitted with power pumps) are also provided. The bore wells were dug up to a depth of about 80 meters. In normal period water is available at 10 to 13 meters depth. But at present the water level has gone down to below 30m in some places and some hand pumps (26 Nos) are dried out fully.


Tirupattur Municipality was provided with drinking water supply scheme during 1974 with surface water at River palar as source near Ambalur with infiltration wells – 8 Nos . Collection well – 1 No & 16  Nos of borewell infiltration wells are constructed and connect with Pumping main. As the above sources could not supply the designed requirement, In the Year 2005 another government scheme had taken for additional improvements at Chinna Thail Halli, Kaveripattinam, Thenpennai River as source . In this scheme 5 Nos infiltration well 1 No sump was constructed and the water is supplied through this source from 2009. In all the above sources it is proposed to supply 7.00 MLD water. But failure in monsoon it will not attain the target of 90 LPCD potable water. From both the sources only 4 MLD of water has been drawn now. Level in all the infiltration wells depleted & the local body has drilled 2 Nos. of borewells in Municipal fund .And water supply through 298 Nos. of borewell with mini power and 204 IM2 hand pumps. At present, 7.00 MLD of water is supplied to the entire town with per supply of 90 LPCD once in 3 days.

Also in the newly added Areas 17 Nos. of power pumps with Mini OHTS capacity of 0.87 MLD Daily from this source water has been supplied to the added Areas and it is not potable,  moreover now the people are using this water being it has been cholorinised and supply to the public.



           The head works comprises of 16 borewells, 8 Nos Infiltration wells 1 No collection well with pump room, and 350 mm dia. AC pumping main for about 24 km distance and 2 Nos. of 90 HP turbine motor pumpset. Out of which now only 6 borewells is used for pumping due to failure of monsoon.


The head works comprises of 5 Nos. Infiltration wells 1 No collection well with pump room, and 300 mm dia. AC pumping main for about 42 km distance and 2 Nos. of 50 HP turbine motor pumpset. Out of which now only 3 wells is used for pumping. The water from this Head Works requires treatment being it consist of fluoride etc.


Water is supplied by Local source with 284 Nos. mini power pumps, and 204 Nos. Hand pumps. Also water is supplied through tanker lorries as required in unserved areas in the drought season.

If the same drought situation continuous, even this much of water cannot be supplied.

Water Quality

The treated water sample test for the town indicates that the PH value (6.0) is below the permissible limits of 6.5 to 8.5 for the drinking purpose. And the turbidity level of NTU against the norms of 10 NTU indicates (yellow in color ) , which is normally allowed for the drinking purpose; otherwise the water is very safe in quality. The result is enclosed in Annexure IV.

House Service Connections

At present, the Tirupattur Municipality has provided 8200 individual metered connections, of which 92% connections are domestic and 8% connections are non-domestic connections. Nearly, 120 Public Fountains/Stand posts are provided to supply protected water supply in the town.

Distribution Network

The existing distribution system comprises of distribution network from the service reservoirs to the individual house service connections and public fountains/stand posts, which covers 100% of the total municipal road length (45.50 Km) in the town. The existing network system is laid out to cover dense population located in the different parts of the town. At present, the water is distributed for duration of 2 hours in a normal day to cover different wards in the town.