About City

About Tambaram City MunicipalCorporation

Tambaram Town is situated 24 K.M. south of the Capital City of Chennai. The famous Grand Southern Trunk Road and Railway route from Chennai Egmore to Kanyakumari divide the town into east and West. The Municipal Town, Tambaram is described as Gateway of the Beautiful Metropolitan City, Chennai.

Tambaram is very popular because of the existence of world-renowned Madras Christian College, IAF training center, and the first commissioned suburban trains from Tambaram to Beach. Nowadays almost all trains to southern parts of Tamil Nadu start only from Tambaram. This Municipal Town is also proud of being home to a number of industrial units established at the Madras Export Processing Zone (MEPZ). The units in the MEPZ export various items to several foreign countries thereby earning foreign exchange for the country.
Tambaram is one of the busiest towns in and around Chennai with extensive transport facilities. Tambaram Town is also well known for its reputed educational institutions.

As Per G.O No 66 MA WS(Election) dt 11.9.2021  Tambaram  Municipalty becomes Tambaram City Municipal Corporation.