Public Health

Activities :- Registration and issue of Birth and death certificates Solid waste management, Sanitation, Public Health

The Municipal Health Officer is the overall in-charge of the Health Section. he looks after the prevention of Food adulteration, conservatory work, sweeping streets, maintenance of drainage , controlling of epidemic diseases, ensuring of license to D&O trades, Birth and Death registration, issuing certificates to birth and death registration. The Sanitary Inspectors, Sanitary Supervisors and Sanitary Workers are assisting the Municipal Health Officer. The Municipal Health Officer is held responsible for the removal of garbages and also sent to I.V.R. Plants.


S.No Name Designation
1 S THIRUPPATHY Sanitary Officer
2 SURESH Sanitary Officer
3 SATHIYA RAJ K Sanitary Officer
4 PANDIARAJAN M Sanitary Officer
5 Abubakkar  Siddiq Sanitary Inspector
6 Vacant Sanitary Inspector
7 Vacant Sanitary Inspector
8 M.Pandiarajan Sanitary Supervisor
9 Chandrasekaran  K. Sanitary Supervisor
10 Palanisamy  G. Sanitary Supervisor
11 Ramachandran  M. Sanitary Supervisor
12 Adhilakshmi/Subbukutty Sanitary Supervisor
13 Mariappan/Kulanthivelu Sanitary Supervisor
14 Mariappan/Arumugam Sanitary Supervisor
15 Muthuraj  R. Sanitary Supervisor
16 Meena  A. Sanitary Supervisor
17 Rajagurusamy  M. Driver
18 Murugesan  K. Driver
19 Venkatakrishnan  R. Driver
20 Vacant Driver
21 VACANT Driver
22 Kothala Muthu  M. Driver
23 Duraikannan/Gopalraj Driver
24 Rajapandian/Sundaram Driver
25 Vedhakani/Asirvatham Driver
26 Thiruselvam Jebamalai Cleaner
27 Innasi Muthu/Pushparaj Field Assistant
28 Parvathi  M. Urban Health Nurse
29 Valarmathi Urban Health Nurse
30 Radha  P. Maternity Ayah


Sanitary Workers :

Sl.No Division Strength
1 I 32
2 II 28
3 III 29
4 IV 29