
Sewerage Existing Situation

Under ground drainage system in Sivagangai Municipality is under progress.

The main mode of individual disposal in the town is through septic tanks, low Cost Sanitation units and through public conveniences. A phenomenal 38% of the population do not have access to safe disposal systems. Forty five percent of the population has resorted to private arrangements, in the form of septic tanks.

Whether ULB Covered with UGSS (fully /partly) – ( Under progress) Fully
No of STPs 1
No of FSTPs 0
STP Technology ASP
Capacity of STP (In MLD) 4.92 MLD
Length of Sewer line (in Kms) 53.936 Km
No.of Manholes 2170
No.of Pumping Station 2
No.of Lifting Station 0
No.of Lifting Manhole 0
Length of pumping main (in Kms) 3.680 Km
No.of HSCs as per DPR 15000
No.of HSCs given 1650