Sirkali Municipality is situvated in Nagapattinam district . Sirkali Municipality in second grade municipality having a population 34880 as per census of 2011. This Municipality having 24 wards.
Sirkali Municipality having dedicates water supply head works at collidam river at sithamalli.. Daily supplying water 74 LPCD and the required quantify of water 2.57 MLD. Among that 2.14 MLD From sithamalli head work remaining quantify of 0.43 MLD drawn from local source through hand pump and mini power pump..
The Present position of Water Supply is expected to continue till the end of Feb-2017.
If scarcity of water accuring during summer and to tolerate some arrangements made that is maintenance of handpump and Mini power Pump and also decided to supply of water through lorries.
Preparing the estimates Rs.359.95 lakhs maintenance of hand pump borewell plushing and replacement of motor to mini power pump and replacement of AC pipe pumping main to in DI pipe from Valluvakudi to Sirkali.