Name of the Municipality |
Sirkali |
Grade |
II (Second) |
Region |
Thanjavur |
Assembley Code |
160- Sirkali |
Parliament Constituency code |
29- Mayiladuthurai |
District |
Mayiladuthurai |
Office Address |
Kamarajar Street |
Office Phone no |
04364-270566 |
e-Mail ID | |
Population(Census 20211) |
34880 |
Male |
17217 |
Female |
17663 |
Literacy level |
75 % |
Area in Sq Km |
13.21 |
No of Wards |
24 |
No streets in ULB |
230 |
Length of street |
53.098 |
B T road |
39.183 |
CC road |
13.915 |
Length of water mains in KM |
48.688 |
Length of Open drains in KM |
13.360 |
Length of Sewerage (UGD) |
No of public fountains |
66 |
No of Water Supply connections |
1703 |
No of Property tax assessed houses |
9341 |
No of Profession tax assessed |
971 |
No of OHT |
1 ( 12 .00 Lakhs litres) |
No of Mini OHT |
5 (0.30 Lakh litres) |
Water supply Daily LPCD |
74 |
No of Schools |
23 |
No of Municipal School |
9 |
No of Parks |
3 |