Engineering Section

The Municipal Engineer is the over-all in-charge of Engineering Section.   The Municipal Engineer looks after the maintenance, Street lights, Road laying, construction of building and drainage, Maintenance of parks, head works and municipal vehicles.  The other subordinate officers are assisting the Engineer to look after the above work.

Sl.No Name(Thiru/Tmt) Designation
1 Mohideen Abubucker Municipal Engineer
2 Anandha Ramakrishnan Overseer
3 Sivakumar Electrician Gr-II
4 Subramanian.R Fitter Gr-II
5 IRULAN Wireman (Under suspension)
8 P.Jinna Pump House Watchmen & Fitter i/c
9 M.Rajan Pump House Watchmen
10 P.Mujeebeer Rahman Pump Cleaner