Scheme Works 2023-2024
Scheme Works 2022-2023
1. SRP – 2020-2021
Name of the Work : Restoration of BT Roads and providing paver block at ward Nos. 2,4,6,13,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai Proc.No.20557/2020/E3 Date 14.12.2020
- Estimate Amount : Rs.500.00 Lakhs(243 lakhs)
- Date of Tender : 11.01.2021
- Date of Work Order : 09.02.2021
- Present Stage of work : Work completed
- Expenditure So far : Rs. Lakhs
2. 15th Central Finance Commission(20-21)
Name of the Work : 1. Construction of Resource recovery center with Compound wall at Compost yard
2. Construction of production wall at water Head Works
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai RocNo.20452/2020/LA3 Date 10.11.2020
- Estimate Amount : Rs33.00 Lakhs
- No. of works taken up : 3 Nos.
- Date of Tender : 26-02-2021
- Date of Work Order : 10-05-2021
- Present Stage of work : Physical work completed
- Expenditure So far : 32.43 lakhs
- Water Supply Work and SWM BOV
- Estimate Amount : Rs32.60 Lakhs
- No. of works taken up : 2 Nos.
- Date of Tender : 10-08-2021
- Date of Work Order : 25-08-2021
- Present Stage of work : Physical work completed
- Expenditure So far : 24.69 lakhs
- Estimate Amount : Rs16.80 Lakhs
- No. of works taken up : 2 Nos.
- Date of Tender :1 26-02-2021 2. Tender called
- Date of Work Order : 1. 23.09.2021 2.
- Present Stage of work : one work completed
- Expenditure So far :
15th Central Finance Commission(21-22)
Name of the Work : 1. Providing BT roads Pump House Road,
2. Council Hall Repair Work
3. Bus Stand Improvement Work
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai RocNo.31116/2021/AMRUT-2 Date 05.01.2022
- Estimate Amount : Rs23.62 Lakhs
- No. of works taken up : 3 Nos.
- Date of Tender :04-02-22 for 2,3), tender called for 1st work
- Date of Work Order : 28-02-2022 for 2,3)
- Present Stage of work : WORK UNDER PROGRESS
- Expenditure So far : lakhs
3. 14th Central Finance Commission
Name of the work : Restoration of BT roads at KC Road(Pump house), Muthalagi Amman koil rd, Servaikaran New Street, and Rahim Nagar
AS No. :
- Estimate Amount : Rs.74.68 Lakhs
- Date of Tender : 28.01.2020
- Date of Work Order : 31.01.2020
- Present Stage of work : Work Completed
- Expenditure So far : Rs.74.68 Lakhs
4. Solid Waste Management (SWM) 2018-19
Name of the work : Purchase of Battery operated vehicle 2 Nos. and light commercial vehicle 2 nos
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai Roc.No. 22866/P3 Dated 23.08.2018
- Estimate Amount : Rs.14.80 Lakhs
- Date of Tender : 11.09.2018
- Date of Work Order : 14.09.2018
- Present Stage of work : Vehicles received and put in use
- Expenditure So far : Rs 14.49 Lakhs
5. Solid Waste Management (SWM) 2018-19
Name of the work : Construction of Decentralized micro compost center at 3 location
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai Roc.No. 22866/P3 Dated 23.08.2018
- Estimate Amount : Rs.147.80 Lakhs
- Date of Tender : 11.09.2018
- Date of Work Order : 14.09.2018
- Present Stage of work : Work completed
- Expenditure So far : Rs 147.49 Lakhs
O& M Interest Fund
Name of the work : Improvement work for community Toilet and Public Toilet
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai Roc.No. 22866/P3 Dated 23.08.2018
- Estimate Amount : Rs.9.30 Lakhs
- Date of Tender : 10.12.2021
- Date of Work Order : 16.12.2021
- Present Stage of work : Work is under progress
- Expenditure So far : Lakhs
6. Kalaignar Nagarpura Membattu Thittam
Name of the work : 1. Construction of Gasifier crematorium at Kalankarai (145 lakhs)
2. Redevelopment of Weekly market (276.24 lakhs)
3. Improvement of daily market (167.57 lakhs)
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai Roc.No. 20543/2021/P1 Dated 16.11.2020 for 1
G.O.No 138 MAWS 27-12-2021
- Estimate Amount : Rs.588.81 Lakhs
- Date of Tender :1.) 30-11-2021, 2,3)04-02-20222
- Date of Work Order : 1) 16.12.2021
- Present Stage of work : 1.Work under progress 2. …
- Expenditure So far : Rs Lakh