Solid Waste Management

Municipality has been divided into II sanitary division, each division is managed by a Sanitary Inspector, Sanitary Workers are engaged for sweeping, drain cleaning.  Transportation of garbage door to door collection and segregation of solid waste management works.

Description of services Status
Total Solid Waste generation /day(in MT) 13
% of coverage 100
Frequency of collection Daily
No. of dustbins provided in the town 12
Per capita waste generation (Grams) 283 grams/head
per capita waste collection (Grams) 283 grams/head

Details of Waste Composition

Waste composition Quantity (MT) %Generation
Households 8.35 64.24
Market 1.1 8.46
Industrial 0.90 6.92
Commercial 2.65 20.38

Solid Waste Disposal

There is a compost yard for solid waste dumping and the waste is disposed in the Nenmeni Road Municipal Compost.  Which occupy area of 8.34 acres.  Totally Dumper Placer-1, Campactor-2, Lorries, tractors and LCV-1 are available for Solid Waste Collection.

Segregation of Waste at source: Each and every household person is instructed by the Sattur Municipality to maintain separate baskets for segregation of waste as degradable and non-degradable.  The residents are instructed to use separate baskets for segregating the waste and keep the baskets in front of their houses for easy handling of the conservancy worker.

Creating awareness among the public:  To create awareness among the public and to realize the importance of segregation of garbage, phamplet have been distributed to each and every houses/households and propaganda on the zero garbage system have also made through the Public Health Section.

Compost/Manure: Sattur Municipality has prepared a Bio-manure using segregated waste collected from Market everyday 0.75MT of garbage is sent to the compost yard to make bio-manure.