திடக்கழிவு மேலாண்மை

Name of the ULB Sathiyamangalam Municipality
Number of Wards 27
Total Number of  Population (Census 2011) 37816
Total number of House Holds 11408
No.of sanitary worker post sanctioned 128
Total No.of permanent Sanitary workers working as on date 85
Total No. of  Outsouring Sanitary worker 55
Total Waste generated per day 10 TPD
Wet waste generated per Day 7 TPD
Dry waste generated per Day 3 TPD
Door to Door Collection 100 %
Source Segregation 97%
No.of MCC 1 (2 MT capacity)
Windows Method 5 TPD
Resource Recovery Center 1
Non Saleble Plastic waste sent to Cement  factory 231.1 MT
Mannure Sale 255.8 MT
PWM Bye Law Gazette Notification Date 17.07.2019
SWM Bye Law Gazette Notification Date 23.05.2019
E waste 548 KGs (Leela  Traders)
SWM Policy Gazette Notification Date 17.06.2019
SWM fine Rs. 3300/-
Plastic fine Rs. 160500/-
No. of LCV 4
No. of BOV 23