General Section

Punjai Pulliampatti  Municipality is the 2nd  Grade Municipality.  Manager is the head of Administration

next to Commissioner in the branch of General Administration, and he is responsible for general supervision

and Administration of Office.  All Establishment matters dealt with the General Administration.

Serial No Name of the Officer Designation Contact Number
Office Land Line Mobile
1. Thiru. Mohammed Shamsudeen A J  Commissioner 04295-267061 7397392703
2. Thiru. Parthiban V Manager 04295-267061
3. Thiru. Pradeepraj N Accountant 04295-267061
4. Tmt. Kamala vani Assistant 04295-267061
5. Thiru. Vigneshwaran P Junior Assistant 04295-267061
6. Thiru. Velkumar K Junior Assistant 04295-267061
7. Selvi. Kanchana M  Junior Assistant 04295-267061
8. Selvi. M. Shenbagavalli Junior Assistant 04295-267061
9. Vacant  Junior Assistant 04295-267061
10. Tmt. L. Revathi Record Clerk 04295-267061
11. Tmt. Mallika Santhai Kavalar 04295-267061
12. Thiru. P. Simson Office Assistant 04295-267061
13. Tmt. R. Sathya Office Assistant 04295-267061


Accounts Section

The Accounts Section is included in General Section. The Accountant is the Head of the wing and

controlling Financial matters. It involves into preparation of Budget discipline. As well as look after

the Accrual based Accounting system.