You can easily reach Pudukkottai by rail or by bus from other major cities of the country. Pudukkottai does not have an airport. Nearest airport is Trichy Civil Airport which is 44 km away. There are regular buses from other major cities of the country to Pudukkottai.
Connectivity by Flight
Nearest airport is Tiruchirappalli civil airport (TRZ), which is 44 km away from pudukkottai
Madurai airport (IXM) is 122 km away from Pudukkottai
Connectivity by Train
You can easily get regular trains to Pudukkottai from other major cities of the country.
Railway Station(s): pudukkottai (PDKT)
Connectivity by Bus
There are regular buses from other major cities of the country to Pudukkottai.
Bus Station(s): pudukottai