Pernambut has got a population of 51271 as per the Census 2011. The growth of population for Pernambut from 1901 to 2011 is shown below.
Population Growth
Year | Population |
1901 | 2350 |
1911 | 4700 |
1921 | 7041 |
1931 | 9361 |
1941 | 11721 |
1951 | 14070 |
1961 | 16470 |
1971 | 19640 |
1981 | 26141 |
1991 | 36195 |
2001 | 41499 |
2011 | 51271 |
Spread over an area of 7.61 sq.km. the town has a density of 2200 persons/sq.km. in 1961 with rapid growth of population the density rose to 3435 persons / sq.km. in 1981 and to persons / sq.km. by 1991 and to 5430 persons / sq.km. 4756 by
Literacy Rates
As per 2001 census 74.84% of the total population of Pernambut Town were liberated of which males accounted for 80.94% and females 68.73% there has been steady increase in Percentage of literates from 60.81% in 1971 to 34.04% in 1991 and 74.84% in 2001. It is observed that the growth of Literacy rate is in the upward trend.