1. Internal Plumping (Revolving fund of UIDSSMT)
Name of the work : Providing Internal Plumping works for water supply HSC in Pallipalayam Municipality.
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai-05, Proc.No.13277/2016/WSI Dated: 19.06.2018
- Estimate Amount : Rs.289.00 Lakhs
- Date of Tender : 21.02.2019
- Date of Work Order : 06.03.2019
- Present Stage of work : 8384 Nos. HSC connection given, Balance work 5617 Nos. to be given
- Expenditure So far : Rs.56.15 Lakhs
2. TURIP 2020-21
Name of the work : Providing BT Surface with Storm Water Drain
AS No. : The CMA, Chennai Roc. No.9025/2020/E3 dated: 17.07.2020
- Estimate Amount : Rs.108.00 Lakhs
- No. of Package taken up : 1 Nos.
- Date of Tender : 18.08.2020
- Date of Work Order : 01.09.2020
- Present Stage of work : Completed
- Expenditure So far : 63.26 Lakhs
3. IUDM 2020-21
Name of the work : Providing BT Surface with Storm Water Drain
AS No. : GO (MS) No.303 MA & WS (MA.2) Dept. Dated: 09.09.2020
- Estimate Amount : Rs.235.65 Lakhs
- No. of Package taken up: 2 Nos.
- Date of Tender : 14.10.2020
- Date of Work Order : 07.03.2019
- Present Stage of work : Work in progress
- Expenditure So far : Nil
4. 14th CFC 2019-2020
Name of the work : Road Work
AS No. : CMA, Chennai Roc. No. 12981/2018/E3 dated: 09.07.2018
- No. of works taken up : 4 Nos.
- Estimate Amount : Rs.109.00 Lakhs
- Date of Tender : 28.01.2020
- Date of Work Order : 04.02.2020
- Present Stage of work : Work in progress
- Expenditure So far : Rs.77.18 Lakhs