Water Supply

In Padmanabhapuram Municipality combined water supply system with TWAD is maintained for which water is pumped from Tamirabarani River at Kallupalam which is situated at a distance of 16 km from Thuckalay.

Name of the local Reservoir Installed capacity Quantity produced (MLD) Quantity supplied  (MLD)
Puyliyoorkurichi Asan kinaru 0.2 0.2 0.2
Padmanabhapuram 0.2 0.2 0.2
Govt. Hospital Thuckalay 0.3 0.3 0.3
Municipal Market,Thuckalay 0.2 0.2 0.2

Treatment and Transmission

The water is pumped in the OHT and mixed with Chlorination before distribution

Storage and Distribution System

The overall supply is maintained 1.89 MLD through Public distribution system

House Service Connections

At present, the Padmanabhapuram Municipality has provided 3601 individual metered connections, of which 131 non-domestic connections and 3542 domestic connections. Nearly, 55 Public Fountains are provided to supply protected water supply in the town.

Demand and Supply

The overall demand and supply of water in Padmanabhapuram Municipality indicates that the existing supply of 1.89 MLD is not adequate for the present population.

Ward No. Water Supply House Connection Tape Water supply public fountain Water Supply Handpump Drainage
1 77 3 3 0.62
2 167 1 3 0.51
3 201 2 2 0.917
4 201 4 4 0.928
5 259 3 3 0.827
6 183 2 4 0.576
7 175 4 3 0.675
8 121 3 2 0.686
9 139 3 3 0.817
10 198 3 7 0.615
11 188 2 2 0.627
12 191 1 2 0.68
13 213 4 3 0.876
14 177 3 2 0.625
15 179 2 3 0.837
16 129 2 2 0.688
17 173 2 5 0.387
18 193 1 3 0.876
19 158 3 2 0.51
20 112 2 4 0.457
21 108 5 3 0.41
Total 3542 55 65 14.14

Water Supply Position


Sl.No. Name of the Municipality Present Population Quantity of water supplied Total Quantity of water supplied Lpcd Status of water supply Frequency of supply
From regular schemes Local sources From mini From Bore wells From lorry supply Other Source
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 Padmanabhapuram 21191 18.00 lakhs. 0.04 0.02 18.06 lakhs. 80 Comfortable once in three days