Voters Details

The town has 21 wards within its administrative boundary.

Voters Detail Municipal Election 2011

Sl. No. Ward No. Total No. of  voters
  Male  Female   Total
1 1 429 435 864
2 2 251 266 517
3 3 258 270 528
4 4 311 295 606
5 5 347 369 716
6 6 350 371 721
7 7 324 335 659
8 8 338 324 662
9 9 439 441 880
10 10 477 484 961
11 11 464 455 919
12 12 440 406 846
13 13 430 440 870
14 14 344 345 689
15 15 396 379 775
16 16 435 440 875
17 17 359 363 722
18 18 313 305 618
19 19 287 293 580
20 20 196 197 393
21 21 274 259 533
  Total 7462 7472 14934