Padmanabhapuram Town generate 7 MT of Solid Waste per day. This 7 MT of Solid Waste collection is transported and disposed daily. The efficiency of the present mechanism is able to manage 80% of the Solid Waste . The Urban Local Body is also carry out weekly man cleaning programme.
Details Of Solid Waste Management
Description of Services | Status |
Total Solid Waste generation/day (in MT) | 7 |
Total Solid Waste collection/day (in MT) | 7 |
% of Coverage | 100 |
Frequency of collection | Daily |
No. of dustbins provided in the town | 6 |
Masonry Containers | Nil |
Per Capita Waste Generation (Grams) | 302 |
Per Capita Waste Collection (Grams) | 302 |
Details of Waste Composition
Waste Composition | Quantity (MT) | % Generation |
Households, petty Shops and establishments | 3.99 | 62 |
Vegetable, Fruit, Flower Market | 1.10 | 25 |
Meat, Fish and Slaughter House | 1.91 | 13 |
Construction | — | — |
TOTAL | 6 | 100.00` |
General Hospital Waste | 0.10 | Negligible |
The Solid waste Management Programme completed in all 21 wards. Door to Door collection work is being carried out all the wards through double container push carts. Three lorries are used for this purpose. Collected garbage are deposed at the Compost Yard at Marunthukottai which is 3 km from this town. It is proposed to develop infrastructure at the compost yard with all facilities such as roads, lights ,water supply, windows platforms and security room.
Zone wise Details:
Total No. of Zone : one
Wards Covered : 21
Population covered : 21,191
The present mechanism of solid waste management exhibits that the waste is segregated into degradable and non-degradable (plastics) waste. The Sanitary workers of this Municipality is involved in this programme Door to Door collection work is carried out in all the wards. People are motivated to co-operative in this Programme.
Segregating waste
To create awareness among the public and to realize the importance of segregation of garbage, housebills, phampets, are distributed to each and every housed. I.E.C activities are carried out regularly. The propaganda as the zero garbage system have also made through the health section.
Creating awareness among the public
To create awareness among the public and to realize the importance of segregation of garbage, handbills have been distributed to each and every houses/households and propaganda on the zero garbage system have also made through the Health Division
Action Plan to cover entire area of the town
At present, the Urban Local Body maintains zero garbage system covering all the 21 wards; Actions is being taken to rectify the poor response among the public.
Manufacture of Compost/Manure
At present dumping site is not fully improved to carry out any composting activities. It is proposed to develop infrastructure
Initiating an action to privatize the Solid Waste management System
Due to lack of man power the Municipal Authorities is left in position to maintain such programmes. But it is proposed to involve SHG in this programme.