
There are 86 streets covering the 21 wards of this Municipality. Padmanabhapuram Municipality is maintaining the roads as given below:

Cement Concrete Roads :22.26 Kms.

Bitumen Roads :22.75 Kms.

Earthern Roads : —

Total :45.01 Kms.

Besides state High ways and Rural roads to the length of 8.8 Kms. are also passing

through the Town.

At present 27Nos. of c.c road works were taken up under Special Road Programme 2010-2011

at an estimate cost of Rs. 175.64Lakhs. Out of 27 Road works , 27 works completed.

The road network is well established in the region; as State Highway, which
connects Nagercoil to Trivandrum passes through this town south east to
North West directions and surrounding urban centres are well connected
by Roads.

Municipal Roads

Padmanabhapuram Municipality maintains 45.01 Km of roads.

Local Road Network Details

Surface type Km Road maintained by State High ways Total length
Cement Concrete 22.26 22.26
Bituminous 22.75 6.41 29.16
Total 45.01 6.41 51.42
Ward wise Road details
Ward No. B.T road (in Km) Cement Concrete road(in Km)
1 0.767 0.819
2 0.699 0.78
3 0.92 1.32
4 0.78 1.097
5 0.68 0.75
6 0.75 0.96
7 0.678 0.78
8 0.76 0.82
9 0.55 1.36
10 0.65 1.42
11 0.78 0.46
12 0.69 0.36
13 0.85 2.067
14 1.66 0.895
15 0.805 1.45
16 0.69 1.29
17 0.65 0.57
18 1.08 0.267
19 0.89 0.627
20 0.575 0.567
21 0.76 0.701
Total 22.75 22.26