The Government of India have enacted a statute called   “The Right to Information Act 2005”   (Called Central Act No.22 of 2005) to provide the right to citizens to secure information under the control of public authorities and with a view to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.

        Person who desires to obtain any information under RIGHT TO INFORMATION act, shall make a request in writing or through Electronic means in English or in Tamil accompanying such fee as may be prescribed to Public Information Officer.   An application making request for information shall not be required to give any reason for requesting the information. 

       In order to implement the provisions of the above Act at Padmanabhapuram Municipality, the following officials have been appointed as Appellate Authority and Public Information Officer        

The Right to Information Act 2005 (Central Act 22 of 2005) is being exercised in this Municipality under one designated PIO.

       As per sub section (1) of the Section 7 of the Said act the PIO (Public Information Officer) on receipt of a request under sect. 6 of the Act shall as expeditiously as possible provide the required information within 30 days.

       The fee payable under section 6(1) of the Said Act is Rs.10/- by means of Demand Draft.

       The above fee is exempted for Below Poverty Line families.

       The first Appellate Authority is Municipal Commissioner and the second Appellate Authority    is State Chief Information Commissioner.



Name of the Office Designation under the Act


Name Designation


STD Code


Phone No. E-Mail


Official Address


Office Cell
Padmanabhapuram Municipality Appellate Authority Tmt.K.S.  KANCHANA  Commissioner 04651 253119 9789756744  commr.padmanabhapuram@ tn.gov.in Municipal Office, Padmanabhapuram, 15-60, Palace Road, Thuckalay,Kanyakumari District, PIN – 629175.


Padmanabhapuram Municipality Public Information Officer Thiru.M. SAKTHIKUMAR  Manager 04651 250728 9442078791  commr.padmanabhapuram@ tn.gov.in Municipal Office, Padmanabhapuram, 15-60, Palace Road, Thuckalay,Kanyakumari District, PIN – 629175.
  •     In writing Vernacular Language/English.
  •     By Electronic Media like Email etc.

Right to Information is fundamental Right.

Covers all information ‘held’ regardless of the form in which it is  recorded ie, any and every material in any form.