Public Health

The Sanitary  Officer is the overall in-charge of the Health Section. He looks after the prevention of Food adulteration, conservatory work, sweeping streets, maintenance of drainage , controlling of epidemic diseases, ensuring of license to D&O trades, Birth and Death registration, issuing certificates to birth and death registration. The Sanitary Inspectors, Sanitary Supervisors and Sanitary Workers are assisting the Municipal Sanitary Inspector.

Name of the post Department Name of the Staff(Thiru/Tmt/Selvan/Selvi)
Sanitary Inspector Div-1 Public Health    Mr. V. Sivaramakrishnan(Adnl. I/C)
Sanitary Inspector Div – 2 Public Health   Mr. V. Sivaramakrishnan(Adnl. I/C)
Sanitary Supervisor Public Health  Mr. Sivakolundu
Sanitary Supervisor Public Health  Mr. Suresh
Sanitary Supervisor Public Health Mrs. Veerammal
Field Assistant Public Health Mrs. Saraswathi
Driver Public Health Mr. Mani
Driver Public Health Mr. Rajaraja Cholan
Driver Public Health  Mr. Murugan
Driver Public Health Mr. Vimal
Name of the post Department Name of the Staff(Thiru./Tmt.)
Maternity Assistant Maternity Centre Vacant
Maternity Ayah Maternity Centre Vacant
Maternity Assistant Maternity Centre Vacant
Medical Officer Dispensary Vacant
Pharmacist Dispensary Mr. Porchezhian
F.N.A Dispensary Mr.  Sujatha
Sweeper Dispensary  Mr. Kalyani
Class IV women Dispensary  Vacant
M.N.A. Dispensary Vacant
Medical Officer IPPV Vacant
H.V. IPPV Vacant
M.P.H.W (UHN) IPPV  Mrs. Selvarani
M.P.H.W (UHN) IPPV Mrs.  Vijayalakshmi
M.P.H.W IPPV Vacant
M.P.H.W IPPV Vacant
Community Organiser-1 Ward 1-15 Mrs. Uma
Community Organiser-2 Ward 16-30 Mrs. Amudha

Total No. of Cleanliness  Permanent Workers :

Sl.No Division Male Female Total
1 I 9 8 15
2 II


2 11
Total 17 10


Total No. of Outsourcing Cleanliness   Workers :

Male : 25 ;      Female : 30 ;       Total : 55