
Roads Details

Namakkal town is well connected by roads across the district as well as State. A National Highway that passes through Namakkal town connects this town with major Districts such as Salem, Erode, Trichy and Madurai. Namakkal is a district headquarters. In this town, there are industries for lorry body building, drill rig manufacturing, Poultry forms etc., These industries attract / generate heavy vehicles on the various radial roads of the town.

The study objectives of this sector are

To review the existing scenario in the road sector in terms of road length, quality and ward wise coverage.
To estimate future investment requirements for development of the transportation sector in Thiruchengode over the next five years and identify the sources of fund.
To review the existing transport infrastructure facilities, traffic characteristics and management.
To highlight key imperatives for road sector development, traffic and transportation improvement and an action plan for implementation.

This sector is structured into two sections. The first section deals with roads and the second section deals with traffic and transportation.

Need for the improvement in Transportation

It is known that the transportation spurs economic activity and raises the standard of living of the community. The improvement of transportation links with proper transportation infrastructure facilities will increase the potential of industries like lorry bodybuilding, rig industries and Poultry forms in Namakkal.
Roads have been the preferred mode of transport for both people and freight. It is estimated that in India about 85 % of passenger traffic and 60 % of freight traffic uses road transport. The existing level of transport infrastructure facilities is inadequate, which needs to be developed to cope up with the present and future needs.

Existing Scenario

Radial Roads

The National Highways and Major District Roads are radiating from this town. There are 8 major radial roads towards all the directions leading to major cities like Salem, Trichy, etc. All the radial roads are wider and having smooth geometric characteristics.

All the radial roads including NH and MDR belong to the department of Highways. The total length of radial roads is 15.87 kms. The details of radial roads are given in the Table

MDR’s / ODR’s in Namakkal

Sl.No Classification Name of the road Length in km. Width of Right of way (mts.)
1 NH Salem Road 6.24 24
2 MDR Trichy Road 1.24 24
3 MDR Thiruchengode Road 2.1 27
4 MDR Mohanur Road 1.2 21
5 MDR Paramathi Road 1.79 18
6 MDR Thuraiyur Road 0.7 18
7 MDR Sendamangalam Road 1.3 21
8 MDR Nainamalai Road 1.22 18
Total length 15.79  

Source: Traffic Operational Management plan for Namakkal.

Salem Road
Salem Road is a National Highway connects this town with Salem. Since most of the bodybuilding automobile industries are accommodated on this road, number of trucks and lorries are parked on both sides of this road. The intersection of Salem road, Senthamangalam road is being a bottleneck on this road.

Trichy Road
This radial road is a MDR, which connects Trichy with this town. This road attracts more lorry traffic, as lorry bodybuilding industries are located along this road. Government girl’s college, Police station and sub-court are located along this road.

Thiruchengode Road
This major district road leads to the neighbour town, Thiruchengode in the same district, considerable volume of traffic is generated from this road as the shandy is located along this road. The Collector office is also located along this road.

Mohanur Road
Most of the schools are located along this Major District Road. Since there are government offices like RDO office, Telephone department and government hospital on this road, the traffic volume is more.

Rasipuram Road
This is one of the MDR categories of road, where the commercial centres and market are located. This road has wider carriageway and shoulder, which is being under-utilised.

Thuraiur road
This is another MDR takes off from Trichy road and leads to Thuraiur, which is situated on East of Namakkal town. This road is passing through residential areas in the town.

Sendhamangalam road
Sendamangalam road is a MDR, which is getting much significance as the railway station is being proposed abutting to this road. Kosavampatti Lake located along this road, where the new bus stand is likely to be proposed.

Nainamalai road
Nainamalai road is a MDR, which takes off from Sendhamangalam road and passing parallel to the Salem road towards north. It does not have any significant activities and hence, less traffic movement is found on this road.

Road coverage
The total length of roads in Namakkal Municipality is estimated as 74.118 Kms. The total length of road maintained by National Highway passing through the town is about 15.865 Kms. The Municipality maintains a total road length of 58.835 Kms, with 18.9% being Cement Concrete roads, 80.1% BT roads and 1% Earthen roads. Apart from Municipal roads all other NH/MDR’s are metalled roads. The type and length of Municipal roads are given in Table .