
         During 1967 the First  UGSS Scheme has been formulated.  The entire town has been divided into 6 Blocks.   Out of 12.58 Sq. Km., the first  scheme had been implemented in Block No.V in ward No. . 7,8,9,10 and 11 by part covering 1.94 Sq.Km.,  Manholes 680 Nos. and one pumping station at  Banadurai and functioning from 1967.

             The Second  UGSS Scheme  under NRCP has been sanctioned for Rs.46.00 Crores vide G.O. Ms. No.726 MAWS Dept. dated 31.12.2000 and  revised estimate has been approved for Rs.50.60 Crores vide NRCD Letter 139020/9/2000/NRCD-II dated 12.02.2001.  Under this Scheme the old UGSS system has been rejuvenated and   125.70 Km disposal line, 25 Km., Pumping main, 5539 Manholes and 17 MLD Capacity (ASP Technology)  STP at Theperumanallur  Out of  17058 Nos. HSCs in original estimate. 19823 No. of  HSCs have so for been  provided.

Under AMRUT 2016-17,  the UGSS Scheme for  left out areas  has been sanctioned for Rs.59.84 Crore.  Revised Administrative Sanction for Rs. 70.60 Lakhs have been sanctioned in G.O.(Ms)No. 120, MA&WS (MA-3(2)) Dept.  dated 09.11.2020.

Collection System -35.777 Km.,  Manholes-1457 Nos., Pumping mains- 4.18 Kms., Lifting stations-7 Nos., HSCs-4946 Nos.,  Refurbishment of STP  completed.

At present 13  MLD of Sewage generated daily.


Total No. of Households 36105
No. of Public Toilet 68 Nos.- Disposal in UGSS
No. of Community 7 Nos. Disposal in UGSS
Total net work of UGS collection system 146.09  KM
Pumping station details 10  (7 Nos. of P S , 3 nos. of L S)
Technology ASP Technology 17 MLD Capacity
No. of Households covered with sewerage services Existing – 19823

Amrut –       4946

Total  –       24769


Quantity of waste Water Generation:

Wastewater or sewage is the byproduct of many uses of water such as household uses  showering, dishwashing, laundry and, of course, flushing the toilet. In Kumbakonam City Municipal Corporation the quantum of Waste water is being generated is 14 MLD.