Solid Waste Management

Kovilpatti Town generates 27.00 MT of Solid Waste per day out of this nearly 24.5 MT of the Solid Waste being collected, transported and disposed daily, which works to per capita generation of 300 gms./day. The efficiency of the present mechanism can able to collect 90% of the total waste generated in the town. The Urban today carry out weekly mass waste cleaning programme to clear the left out wastes. The details of solid waste composition and collection efficiency are shown in the Table.

Details Of Solid Waste Management

Description of Services


  Total Solid Waste generation/day (in MT)


  Total Solid Waste collection/day (in MT)


  % of Coverage


  Frequency of collection


  No. of masonry dustbins provided in the town


  Per Capita Waste Generation (Grams)


  Per Capita Waste Collection (Grams)



Details of Waste Composition

Waste Composition

Quantity (MT)

% Generation

  Households, petty Shops and establishments   21.00   77.7
  Vegetable, Fruit, Flower Market   3.00   11.11
  Meat, Fish and Slaughter House   0.5   1.8
  Construction   2.5   9.39
  TOTAL   27   100.00
  General Hospital Waste   0.200   Negligible


The Solid Waste collection mechanism extended in 6 Zones, which covers the entire Kovilpatti Town. The collection efficiency of solid waste collection mechanism by the Urban Local Body, the zone wise details given below. The total collection altogether can able to achieve 91% of coverage in the waste generated in the town, is shown in the Table.


% Generation














At present, there is no full-fledged compost yard facility is available for solid waste dumping and the waste is generally disposed in the existing yard in Alampatti Village, 3 KM away from the town centre, which occupy an area of 3.81 acres. The existing compost yard is not provided with adequate infrastructure facilities such as road, Weigh Bridge, Waste Segregation platform, mechanical sewer and security room.

Zonewise Details

Sanitary Division

Wards Covered

Population Covered

% Of Collection

  1,2,3,4(p) 23,24,   Market







The present mechanism of solid waste management exhibits that the waste is segregated into degradable (other than plastics) and non-degradable (plastics) waste. Due to constraints involved in getting approval from the Pollution Control Board there is no production of manure is take place at the compost yard site. Therefore, the Urban Local Body initiating action to privatize the Solid Waste Collection System and composting activities in the town, the details are shown in Table.

Segregation of Waste at Source: Each and every household person is instructed by the Urban Local Body to maintain separate baskets for segregation of waste as degradable and non-degradable. The residents are using separate baskets for segregating the waste and keep the baskets in front of their houses for easy handling of the conservancy worker.

Creating awareness among the public

To create awareness among the public and to realize the importance of segregation of garbage, handbills have been distributed to each and every houses/households and propaganda on the zero garbage system have also made through the Health Division

Action Plan to cover entire area of the town

At present, the Urban Local Body maintains zero garbage system covering all the 36 wards; however the response among the public is very poor and they are not co-operative to the Urban Local Body actions

Manufacture of Compost/Manure

At present dumping site is not fully improved to carry out any composting activities. Therefore the municipal authorities are trying to solve the problem.

Initiating an action to privatize the Solid Waste management System

the Urban Local Body is proposed to have a tie up with an interested private entrepreneur to maintain the Solid Waste Mechanism.