About Municipality
Keelakarai was constituted as a panchayat in the year 1885. As per G.O. No. 1157LN, date: 03.12.1885. And it has been upgraded as a Special Town Panchayat as per Director of Town Panchayat, Madras as per G.O. No. 1481/82/J5, Dated on 25.1.1982 and then this municipality is upgraded as per G.O. No. 300 and 301 Dated on 24.08.2004 as a Third Grade Municipality.
Location of Municipal Office
The Municipal office is situated nearly 500 mts north from bus stand.
Contact Address
The Commissioner ,
363, Vallal Seethakathi Salai,
Keelakarai Taluk
Ramanathapuram District
PIN 623517,
Phone: Office : 241317 STD Code : 04567.
E-Mail : commr[dot]keelakarai[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in
Novel Corona Virus [COVID 19]
விழித்திரு, விலகியிரு, வீட்டிலேயே இரு
Novel Coronavirus disease ( COVID-19 ) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
Control Room Help Line : 04567-241317
Novel Corona Virus [Covid-19] Prevention and Management Activities
Gasifier Crematorium Burial-Ground details
Contact Address
Municipal Office
6/360, Vallal Seethakkathi Salai,
Keelakarai Taluk
Ramanathapuram District
PIN 623517.
Phone Office :04567-241317
The new website https://tnurbanepay.tn.gov.in has been created by incorporating All municipalities and Corporations across Tamilnadu, except Chennai by providing facilities pay tax for asset, drinking water, housing, sewerage and lease categories, and providing birth certificates on-line.
Municipality at a Glance
- General
District : Keelakarai
Region : Madurai
State : TamilNadu - Area
Total : 2.459 Sq.Kms - Population (as per Census 2011)
Total :38355
Male :19685
Female :18670
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