Water Supply


Water Supply

Having the Tamirabarani river water as the source for the protected Water Supply Scheme a Pumping Station was established at Authoor from where drinking water pipes were laid to Kayalpatnam a distance of 12 Km and water has been distributed to the public through 14 Nos. tanks that could held 16.20 lakhs Litres of water.

The total quantity of water being supplied in the town daily is 20 lakh litres. Water distribution pipes have been laid to a length of 15 K.m. Regular and steady distribution of water is carried out once in two days at a rate of 60 Lts per person per day. There are 6182 Nos. of domestic connection, 18 Non domestic water supply connections available and 127 Public Fountains for the use of General Public.

House Service Connections.

At present, the Kayalpatnam Municipality has provided 6182 individual metered connections, of which 52% connections are domestic and 7% connections are non-domestic connections. Nearly, 127 Public Fountains/Stand posts are provided to supply protected water supply in the town.
Distribution Network

The existing distribution system comprises of distribution network from the service reservoirs to the individual house service connections and public fountains/stand posts, which covers 47% of the total municipal road length (32.17 Km) in the town. The existing network system is laid out to cover dense population located in the different parts of the town. At present, the water is distributed for duration of 1 hour in once in two days to cover different wards in the town.

Demand and Supply

The overall demand and supply of water in Kayalpatnam town indicates that the existing supply of 2.00 MLD is adequate for the present population in 2001.