Citizen Charter


Citizen Charter – Introduction

Tamil Nadu is leading in many sector reforms. As part of its commitment to enhance the responsiveness and effectiveness of the Civic Services rendered by the local bodies. In G.O. MS. No 58 MA&WS Department, Dated 16.04.98, the State Government decided to introduce the first edition of the citizen charter was released to ULBS, during the year 1998-99.

Based on the experience gained over the past few years and the feed back it has been decided to bring the second edition of the citizen charter published with the improved information

Foreword By Chairperson

The Municipal Commissioner has adopted this second edition of these citizen charter in its Resolution No. 61 dated 27.10.2004 with renewed commitment to proved efficient and prompt civic services to the citizen and with the fond hope that their part the citizen would respond in a positive way.

We consider that this charter of the responsibilities for us in the Municipality both elected representative and officials to make a sound and responsive administration to make the towns clean, green and most liveable for the citizen.

The first edition of citizen charter was only to give specific information to the people of the town on ensure quick response to their needs and redressel for certain grievances.

We are introducing on line complaint system for certain services and 3 steps normal complaint redressel system for all other services to ensure quick and efficient redressel of grievances in a time bound manner. We also invite citizen to use this charter to ensure better standard of service and learning to the notice of the concerned authorities as listed, any failure or non-complaints of citizen charter. We are also maintainely the water supply without any failure. We are introducing the Low Cost Sanitation Schemes for the use and help of public are searching all rounds of the town and ascertain the non-availability of street lights and also take effective step by this Municipality with the help of E.B. to erect the street lights. We are also allot the funds to the poverty the peoples for getting loan to improved their lieves and trades.

The Citizen charter 4th Commitment of the achieve a star system.

  1. Simple
  2. Transparent
  3. Responsibility
  4. Confidential

In the Administrator of the civic leadly in fulfilling the beeds of the citizen of the town. By providently impartment information of the citizen about the service of being delivered by the Municipality. By creating system which will received public grievance and redress the same quality and time bound. By introducing E-Governance and automated access to all our functions and services and direct the resulting follow of efficiently gains forwards the citizen.

The Executive authority is a Executive Officer, the Head Clerk, Sanitary Inspector, Sanitary Supervisors and other staffs are working under the control of the Executive Officer.

About Kayalpatnam Municipality

This Municipality was constituted 14.06.2004 during the year. 24.04.1952 First Grade Town Panchayat and upgraded to selection Grade Town Panchayat 15.10.1982. After 14.06.2004 upgraded to Third Grade Municipality. The area of the municipality is 12.5 Kilo meters. According to 2001 Census, the Population of the municipality is 32,664. The municipal Area is divided in to 18 Electoral wards. Kayalpatnam is the Head Quarter of Thoothukudi District. The town is having South Kayalpatnam and North Kayalpatnam.

In this Municipality has done the important services.

  • Water Supply
  • To Clean the Streets drainages.
  • To maintain streets, lanes and culverts.
  • To erect street lights and maintained. The construct the drainage and maintained.
  • The important places wherever needs put public latrines.

In addition this Municipality has done the following service.

  1. Tax Collection Administration.
  2. Town Planning and permit building License issue / Renewal to Licenses.
  3. Registration of Birth and Death.
  4. D&O License Fees renewal to Licenses.

For the above services the time limitation has been notified in the citizen chart. The co-operation of the citizens is solicited broadly in the following aspects:-

01. Segregate wastes at source
02. Do not throw waste in Drains, streets
03. Deposit wastes only at specified places and dust bins
04. Do not allow children to defecate in open spaces
05. Avoid connecting sewerage lines to open drains
06. Avoid encroachments on public places
07. Avoid occupation of roads and footpaths with unauthorized stacking of materials
08. Avoid letting of waste water on to roads
09. Conserve rain water and provide rain water harvesting structures in every building
10. Avoid leaving animals on roads and public places
11. Avoid misuse of public places including parks, open spaces, public toilets, markets, Bus stands
12. Plant trees within and in front of premises water them and nurture them to grow.
13. Report leakage of water, bursting of water / sewage pipes, burning of street lights during day time, damage of public properties posing health hazard
14. Avoid damage of public properties.
15. Ensure prompt payment of property tax, profession tax , Water charges license fees and other Municipal dues.
16. Adhere to Building Rules and avoid violations, unauthorized constructions
17. Adopt universal immunization
18. Complain to the right officer in time and liaise with the ward councilor.

Water Supply

The Executive Officer and Staffs are responsible for protected drinking water supply in the town. For population of 32,664 the Town required a daily quantity of 2.00 mid on average, the capita supply is maintained at 60 lpcd.

Services / Functions

Operation and Maintenance of Head works for water supply and distribution of drinking water to House Holds and Public stand Posts.

  1. Sanctioning new House Service Connection.
  2. Conveyance and distribution of water for private and public uses.
  3. Billing and collection of water charges.
  4. Creating awareness among people to conserve water and install rainwater.

Complaints / Detects

1. Replacement of Defective meter 15 days
2. Rectification of population drinking water One day
3. Ames ting of Leakage of water in the Main One day
4. Minor repairs Two days
5. Major repairs Three days
6. Repairs to hand pumps Two days

Special Demand

1. Supply of water through Lorry for marriage festival 3 – 5 days

Needed Co-Operation From Citizen

  • Avoid Wastage of water. Do not use drinking water for gardening and others similarly purposes.
  • Do not draw water unauthorized by or through installation of pumps in Municipal Connection.
  • Get the repairs after proper intimation to corporations and under the supervisor.
  • Pay water charges and other dues promyothy and avoid disconnection.
  • Conserve rainwater and install rain water Harvesting structures in al Buildings.
  • Keep the Taps closed both in house and in Public stand post to avoid pollution.
  • Report water Leakage, thrift as Public service.
  • Do not tamper with water supply connection of meters.

If the complaints continued consumer will conduct phone No. 280224

HEALTH AND SANITATION – Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste transported collected 5 wards in privatized and remaining 13 wards maintained by Municipality. The Sanitary Inspectors of the concerned wards are watching and supervised this work daily in proper. The total collection of garbage per day is 8MT.

Functions / Services

  1. Daily Street Cleaning and transportation of waste.
  2. Door to door collected the waste.
  3. Maintenance and cleaning of public Toilets, Urinals on daily basis.
  4. Special conservancy arrangements during festivals and, other occasions attracting large number of people. (Buhari Sherif Function, Mahalra Function and some other Pallivasal Festival, Political meeting and other function).
  5. Maintenance and cleaning of public Toilets, Urinals on daily basis.
  6. Removal of dead animals.
  7. Fee collections.

Response time for Reversal of Grievance

Waste Management

Sl. No Details Time Schedule
1. Cleaning of streets and Road Monday to Saturday from
6.00 AM to 11.00AM, from 2.00 PM to 5.30 PM at all places.
2. Market and Bus Stand places From 6.00 AM to 11.00 AM, from 2.00PM to 5.00 PM
3. Collection and removal of garbage Daily
4. Complaints regarding non-removal of garbages. 24 hours
5. Removal of dead animals 24 Hours
6. Complaints regarding on sweeping of roads. 24 Hours
7. Complaints regarding removal of debries 3 days from intimation

Needed co-operation from citizens

  1. Do not throw wastes in to open drains or streets.
  2. Clean your premises and deposite wastes in the designated points before street clearance by conservancy staff.
  3. Segregate house holds wastes as per guidelines.
  4. Report non – clearance of garbage / debries to the designated Sanitary Inspector / Municipal Health Officer, Commissioner.
  5. Keep your premises clean, Remove bushes and shrubs then and there, prune trees abutting main streets and avoid obstruction to traffic and people movement.
  6. Use public toilets / Urinals properly avoid nuisance in open places, road margins.
  7. Pay administrative charges and fees promptly.

Whom to Contact for Service Deficiency

S. No Details Designation and timings
1. Initial Complaint Sanitary Inspector 6.00 AM to 10.00 AM
2.00 PM to 5.00 PM
2. Second Contact Head Clerk 10.00 A. M. to 5.00 PM
3. 3rd Contact Executive Officer 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM

Birth And Death Registration And Issue Of Extract

Under the Registration of Birth and Deaths Act- the urban local bodies play a vital role in registering births and deaths within their territory and issue extracts of births / deaths to the citizen. The following officers are entrusted with the responsibility of registration of this Municipality.

1. Executive Officer – Custodian of Records Chief Registrar for the Town
2. Sanitary Inspector – Registrar of Birth and Death Registration.

Service / Functions

  • Birth Registration.
  • Death Registration
  • Still Birth Registration
  • Issued Birth Certificate
  • Issued Death Certificate.

Response Time for Service / Grievances

Details Rate of fees (Fill up this column for all items) Time Schedule
Registration of Birth from the Date of Birth
1. With in 21 days At once
2. From 22 days up to 30 days Rs. 2 At once
3 From 30 days up to 1 year Rs. 5 At once
4. More than 1 year (with court order) Rs. 10 At once
I. Registration of Childs Name in the Birth Register At once
1. With the date of Birth up to 1 year Rs. 5 7 Days
2. More than 1 year Rs. 5 7 Days
II. Registration of Death from the date of death
1. With in 21 days Nil At once
2. From 22 days up 30 days Rs. 2 At once
3. From 30 days up to one year Rs. 5 7 Days
4. More than1 year (with in Court Order) Rs. 10 7 Days
III. Birth / Death Certificates Remittance of fees for first copy Rs. 20 7 Days
Additional Copy / each additional copy Rs.10 7 days

Needed co-operation from citizen

  • Register Birth immediately after birth.
  • Name the child preferably before registration.
  • Informants for Registration should be responsible persons who could given correct personal information to avoid problems later.
  • Register death immediately after occurrence.
  • Informants should be responsible persons who could given correct personal information.
  • Avoid nicknames or alias names in giving information both for the birth and death.
  • Insist on giving details to the Hospital where delivery occurs for registration and a copy of the Report forwarded to the Registration authority.
  • For extracts give correct details and pay the required fees for copies and search fees.
  • Inform the mode by which you would like to receive the extract – through mail or in person of through messenger.
  • If it is through messenger, give a specific written authorization to collect the extract.
  • Do not insist on recording “ Cause of death “ in the extract for death certificate as it is not given, even through the information is entered in the man register of deaths.

Whom to Contact for Deficiency of Service

Details Designation and Timings
* First Complaint Executive Officer (10.00 AM to 5.45 PM)
* Second Contact Sanitary Inspector (10.00 AM to 5.45 PM)


Response time for Service / Grievance

Vaccination to Public Every Wednesday of a week
Vaccination for specific disease At one at the concerned centers
Polio Vaccination Every Wednesday
Anti Malaria Once in a year through DEC tablets
School Medical Inspection Regular
Certificate of Vaccination Two days

How can the Citizen help

  1. Adhere to immunization schedule for your children.
  2. Contact Municipal Authorities in case of any out break of dangerous diseases.

Whom to Contact for Service / Grievance Redressal

Initial Complaint Sanitary Inspector (10.00 AM to 5.45PM)
Second Complaint Executive Officer (10.00 AM to 5.45PM)

Prevention Of Food Adulteration

The Health officer / sanitary officer of the Municipality and his team of Food Inspectors are entrusted with the responsibility of enforcement of the “Prevention of Food Adulteration Act” within the Municipal limit. The trades / traders handling food articles are also licensed.

Functions / Services / Enforcement

1. Have a watch over the sale of food articles within the territory
2. If there are complaints or suspicion take samples of the food and send it to laboratory of analysis
3. If found adulterated, prosecute the offender in a court of law and pursue, so that it will act as a deterrent
4. Issue license for trades under the Act after verification and collection of fees
5. Create awareness among people and traders

Response Time for Service / Grievance Redressal

Details Time Schedule
1. Issue of Application Form At Information Center on all working days on the spot
2. Receipt of application with fees At Information Center on all working days on the spot
3. Intimation to the applicant regarding defects, if any noticed in the application Within a week
4. After rectification of defects, issue of notice / chalan for remittance of fees Within 30 days from the receipt of application
5. Issue of License 45 days
6. Belated remittance of fees 25 % Penalty

Renewal of License

Issue of application form At Information center on all working days on the spot
Receipt of application / remittance of fees At Information Center on the spot
Renewal of license Within 45 days

Citizens Cooperation Solicited

  1. Traders should avoid selling adulterated food articles or articles which are not safe for consumption, as a service to the people
    2. Traders may inform suspected adulterated food articles in circulation
    3. Traders to obtain municipal license or renew license without fail at the appropriate time paying the prescribed fee
    4. Insist on license card from the Authorities, if not issued within 45 days
    5. Citizens may report adulterated food staff under circulation to municipal Authorities, as it may save a valuable life.

Whom To Contact for Deficiency Of Service

Details Designation and Timings
* First complaint
* Second contact
Sanitary Inspector 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Commissioner 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

Other Trades Licensing

These are normally called “Dangerous and offensive Trades” The Municipality regulates and issues licenses for using any premises within the town for running trades and installation of machinery’s therefor. The responsibility for regulation and issue of license is entrusted with the following of the Municipality.
1. Sanitary Inspector

Functions / Services

1. Notify the trades, which need license together with the rate of license fees
2. Field verification and issue of license / or renewed license
3. Regulate the trades imposing appropriate conditions to avoid inconvenience / nuisance to general public
4. Fixation of rate of license fee and collection including belated fees

Response Time for Service / Grievance Redressal

Details Time Schedule
1. Issue of Application Form At Information Center on all working days on the spot
2. Receipt of application with fees At Information Center on all working days on the spot
3. Intimation to the applicant regarding defects, if any noticed in the application Within a week
4. After rectification of defects, issue of notice / chalan for remittance of fees Within 30 days from the receipt of application
5. Issue of License 45 days
6. Belated remittance of fees 25 % Penalty

Renewal of License

Issue of application form At Information center on all working days on the spot
Receipt of application / remittance of fees At Information Center on the spot
Renewal of license Within 45 days

Citizens Cooperation Solicited

1. Avoid unauthorized running of trades or machinery’s without license
2. Adhere to the license conditions scrupulously
3. Obtain license / renewal of license without omission and promptly
4. Remit the fees due promptly
5. Do not encroach foot paths, streets by show casing the materials outside the shop

Whom To Contact for Deficiency Of Service

Details Designation and timings
Initial complaint
Second contact
Sanitary Inspector 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Executive Officer 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

Town Planning

The Town Planning Inspector is entrusted with the responsibility of Town Planning activities. The branch looks after regulation of building activities / lay out and other planning permissions.

Functions / Services

1. Granting permission for construction or alteration of building
2. Lay out / sub division plan approval
3. Action against unauthorized constructions, violation and encroachments
4. Preparation of master plan and other development plans and their enforcement

Response Time for Service / Grievance Redressal
Approval of Building Plan and issue of Building Licence

Sl.No Details Time Schedule
1. Issue of application forms / Remittance of fees At the Information Center on all working days – at once
2. Issue of acknowledgement At the information centre-at once
3. Intimation to the applicant on rectification of defects noticed in the application Within a week
4. Suggestions to the applicant for rectification of defects Within a week
5. After rectification of defects, issue of notice / Chelan for remittance of fees for building license Within a week
6. Issue of Building Licence:

Application for renewal of building license

30 days
At Information Center- at once
7. Renewal of building license 7 days
8. Plot sub division approval 30 days
9. Layout approval 30 days
10. License to Licensed surveyors 30 days
12. Demolition of unauthorized construction on public property 15 days
13. Demolition of dangerous structures 30 days
14. Removal of encroachment in Roads and municipal properties 15 days

How Citizens can help

1. Cooperation with enforcement staff
2. No unauthorized construction or addition / alteration in the premises
3. Start construction only after getting an approved plan
4. Do not buy plots for construction in unapproved layouts
5. Layout Developers to hand over Road, drains and other infrastructure to the Municipality after completion and before selling plots
6. Follow the building Rules, Development control Rules and other regulations
7. Report illegal constructions, dangerous constructions
8. Avoid encroachments on public property and ensure foot paths are clear
Whom to contact for service deficiency

Details Designation and timings
First Complaint
Second Contact
Third Contact
Town Planning Inspector 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Manager During office hours
Commissioner During office hours

dges, storm water drains

1.Repairs to potholes and bad patches
2. Resurfacing the roads
3. Widening and improvement of existing roads
4. Repairs and maintenance of foot paths
5.Maintenance of street furniture including street lights
6. Provision of parking facilities
7. Permitting display of advertisements
8. Maintenance of traffic islands
9. Maintenance of side drains, avenue trees,
10.Flood control measures to reduce damage

Response time for service / Grievance redressal

Sl.No Details Time Schedule
1. Restoration of damages caused to roads due to natural calamities 3 days
2. Filling of potholes in the roads 10 days
3. Road cutting permission 7 days
4. Patch work on roads 30 days
5. Removal of encroachments causing hindrance to traffic 3 days
6. Replacing of missing manhole lids on the drains 3 days
7. Removal of debris and construction materials on road sides by the owner of the building 1 week
8. If not removed by the owner, removal by Municipality on collection of expenses 1 Week
9. Removal of water stagnation 24 Hours
10. Removal of drain blockage Emergency 24 Hours
Normal 3 days

Street lights

Sl. No Details Time Schedule
1. Repairs to Non-burning of street lights at main roads / streets 2 days
2. Repairs of street lights at inner street 3 days

Citizens cooperation solicited

1. Do not damage the roads for public functions. Adhere to guidelines prescribed therefor
2. Do not dump debris and garbage in street margins
3. Avoid encroaching roads / streets
4. Avoid cutting roads without permission
5. Do not allow house hold waste water to flow into the streets
6. Do not throw garbage into drains
7. Do not connect sewer lines to public drains
8. Report water stagnation, missing manholes, damaged lights, light poles
9. Maintain avenue trees in front of premises

Whom to contact for service deficiency

Details Designation and timings
First Complaint
Second Contact
Manager 10.00am to 5.00 pm
Commisisoner 10.00am to 5.00 pm

Revenue Resources – Property Tax

Property tax is the main source of income to this Municipality. Annual Income derived from Property Tax is Rs. 126 lakhs.
In the Revenue Collection process, 4 Revenue Assistants are involved. Demand notices are served to the Taxpayers. Once in six months and forced them to pay the taxes.
Taxes are collected through door-by-door direct collect receipts in use.
Property tax is assessed as per the following Basic rates fixed by the council.

1. Zone A 1.00
2. Zone B 0.70 Paise
3. Zone C 0.40 Paise
4. Zone D


Assessment and inspecting the areas.
New building tax assessment and Additional construction assessment transfer of Property (Name Charge)

Time Schedule for services

1. New Assessment 30 days
2. Application for new assessment Service Centre
3. Submission of application and Getting acknowledgement In service centre immediately.
4. Final order for assessment 30 days

Name Transfer (Transfer Title of Property)

1. Application Service Centre
2. Name Transfer issue of order 15 days.

Other Services – Swarna Jeyanthi Shahari Rojar Yojana(SJSRY)

The Objections of the Scheme, implemented by the Municipality are

  1. Providing Self Employment opportunity to the people living below poverty line.
  2. Providing financial assistance for the development of women and children Groups in Urban areas below poverty line.
  3. Imparting training to the people living below poverty line and interested in self employment.
  4. Engaging the public living below poverty line for the works taken in Urban areas under Wage Employment Programme.
  5. Loan to Public through Thrift and Credit Society.

The people below poverty line may submit applicants to the Municipality. Those applicants shall be scrutinized with Bank officially under Task force Committee and Eligibility applicants only recommended to various banks for financial assistance.

Sl. No Details Time Schedule
1. Receipts of application form In the Information
2. Submission of application In the information Counter – on the spot
3. Recommendation to banks for assistance under the Scheme. 30 days
4. Imparting training to eligible candidates. 30 days

(Imparting training acting will start after receiving subsidy amount)

Whom to Contact for service deficiency

1. First Complaint Sanitary Inspector
2. Second Complaint Manager
3. Third Complaint Commissioner

Rain water Harvesting

Rain water Harvesting is collection of rain water for drinking and other purposes.

Why should Rain water be saved

1. To meet water demand for domestic use
2. To raise the ground water level
3. To improve the quality of ground water
4. To prevent infiltration of sea water in nearby areas of sea shore.

Method of harvesting Rain Water

1. Rainwater can be harvested by two methods.
2. Rooftop harvesting
3. Surface run off harvesting
4. Rain water from roof top can be straight away let into wells / Borewells
5. Rain water in the open spaces can be collected adopting various rain water harvesting methods

Collecting of Rain water from the terrace of the Buildings

1.Collecting through well
2.Collecting through borewell

To harvest Rain water in open space

1.Percolation / Recharge pit
2.Percolation / Recharge pit with bore
3.Recharge trench4.Recharge well

Harvesting of Rain water from thatched and tiled house

1. Rain water from the thatched and tiled houses are collected through gutters in a small pit used as filter
2. Rain water can be collected on the thatched roof by using polyphone sheets
3. Rain water collected through filter can be stored in a tank or existing sump
4. Approximately it costs Rs. 800 to Rs. 1000 (Excluding storage tank)
5. Rainwater from the rooftop collected through gutter can be stored directly in tanks for domestic use. However, bleaching powder is to be added now and then for ensuring the quality of water.

Whom to contact for service deficiency

Details Designation and timings
For Demonstration
For Installation
Municipal  Engineer
During office hours


1. In this Municipality data relating to property tax, water charges and non-tax items have been computerized
2. Property tax, Water Charges and Non-Tax items are collected through Computerized Service Centers
3. Computerized Service Centers are functioning on all working days from 10.00 A.M. to 5.P.M. so as to enable the public to remit the tax directly in the Municipality.
4. Public can ascertain the details of Property tax dues etc., from the Computerized Service Centers during the working hours.
5. Birth & Death certificates are issued through computer service centers

Web site

1. Public can get general information of the Municipality
2. Public can have the details of all activities of Municipality through the WEBSITE

For Emergencies On Service Deficiencies, Contact

Sl.No Grievance Officer incharge of Grievance redressal Telephone Number
1. Water supply drainage, Street light and roads Executive Officer 280224
2. Public Health,Garbage Removal,Trade license Sanitary Inspector 280224
3. Building License, Encroachment, Machine installation etc., Town Planning Inspector 280224
4. Appeal for tax reduction Bill Collector 280224
5. All Complaints related to the Municipality Executive Officer 280224

Telephone nos. of key officials of the – Kayalpatnam Municipality

Sl.No Designation Telephone Number
Office Residence
1. Executive Officer 280224
2. Municipal Chairman
3. Vice Chairman
In case of persistent defaults, please contact
Regional Director of Municipal Administration, Tirunelveli
Phone No. 95462-2561998.