The Karur Town is situated on the banks of the river “Amaravathi”. This Municipality was constituted in 1874, and subsequently upgraded as Ist Grade Municipality from 24.10.69 and upgraded into Selection Grade Municipality vide G.O. MS. No.651, RD & LA Dated.09.05.1983 and upgraded as “ Special Grade Municipality “ from 24.05.1988 as per G.O. MS. No. 526 Dated.07.04.1988. The Karur town comprising of the revenue villages by Karur, Inam Karur , Sanapratti and Thanthoni.
The Area of this town is 53.26, and the total population as per 1991 census is 73418 and 76338 as per 2001 census. This Municipality is divided into 48 wards. There is one elected chairman and 48 ward councilors are in existence. out of 48wards, 14 wards are reserved for Women, 4 wards are reserved for Scheduled caste, 2 wards are reserved for Scheduled caste women candidates.