Karaikudi is being called as “CHETTINADU” by nick name all over the world and it is declared as Ancient town by the UNESCO. More foreigners were coming here as tourists to see the artful houses and ancient temples. The Bollywood people were coming here often for film shooting since all the infrastructure facilities are available here what they needed for them. One of the seven Central Electro Chemical Research Institute is situated here and various s In Sivaganga District there are three Municipalities of these Karaikudi is a Selection Grade Municipality. In Karaikudi Town Educational Institutions, Alagappa University, Alagappa Engineering College and Central Electro Chemical Research Institute are situated. Hence the floating population entering the town is high. |
Salient Features | |
1. Area of the town :: 2. Population as per census 2001 :: 3. Total No.of wards :: 4. Total No.of streets :: 5. Total No.of households :: 6. Total No.of slums :: 7. Population of the slum :: 8. Total No.of families living in slums:: |
13.75 Sq.km 106714 36 569 26745 15 26013 5209 |
Solid Waste Management Infrastructure | |
1. No.of sanitary divisions 2. No.of Sanintary Inspectors 3. No.of Sanitary Supervisors 4. No.of Sanitary Workers |
8 5 12 268 |
Door to door Garbage colletion | |
Garbage is collected door to door manner in 36 wards. Wards 1 to 36 implemented effectively at present.
The garbages are collected and segregated at the sources itself. In the above wards I.E.C activities are carried out to create awareness among the resident population. Awareness campaign is also carried out by Pamphlets, cable T.V and mike announcement. |
Awareness creation for sanitary workers | |
To create awareness among the Sanitary Workers they were given adequate training how to handle the garbages and methods of segregation of degradable and non-degradable. |
Area : 13.75 Sq.Km.
Population : 106714 (as per 2011 census)
118007 (present Population)
Road Length : 159.732 Km
No. of Streets : 569
No. of Households : Residential – 26745
Commercial – 2429
Bulk waste Generators : 91
Markets : 3
Residential : 26745×500 gm = 13372
Commercial : 2338×9.3 kg = 21743
Bulk Waste : 91 = 11675
Street Sweeping : = 1210
Total = 48000 kg
Bio Degradable : 58%
Dry Waste : 31%
Slit : 11%
Total 100%
Door to Door Collection : 100%
Segregation Source : 90%
Primary Collection Vehicle : Try cycle 100
Pushcart 30
Compactor : 2
Tipper Lorry : 2
Wet Waste : 28 Ton per day
MCC -2 : 4 Ton per day
Pig Forms : 3 Ton per day
Bulk Waste : 2 Ton per day
Fish Waste : 500 Kg per day
Home composting : Practicing 25 Houses
Compost Yard : 4.5 Ton
Old dump Waste : 25 MT per day
Thursday collection : 12 Ton per week
Compost Yard : 21 Ton per month