Total road length of Karaikudi Municipality 159.732 Km. and around 12.819 Km belongs to SH and rest of the roads is maintaining by the local body. There are five surface type roads are existing in the Municipality, which are Cement Concrete, B.T., WBM, Gravel Road and Cut stone Slab. 130.942Km of road surface is covered by black topped and only 12.050 Km of road covered by cement concrete. Nearly one km of road belongs to paver block mostly this type of road surface can find in slums.
Road Details
The total road covered in Karaikudi Municipality is around 9 percent of the total area of Municipality. The town has been effectively connected through a total length of 159.732 Km. of road network. Of this 90 percent of the roads are surface mostly with asphalt. |