Name of the Scheme: M.P Scheme -2018-19 ( Sivagangai MP)
Name of the Scheme: M.L.A Scheme -2017-18
Name of the Scheme: M.L.A Scheme -2016-17
Name of the Scheme: UGSS 2015-16
Name of the Scheme: SBM (MCC) 2018-19
Name of the Scheme: CGF-2019-20
Name of the Scheme: SRP-2020-21
Name of the Scheme: 15TH CFC TIED
Name of the Scheme: 15TH CFC UNTIED
Name of the Scheme: 15TH CFC-2021-22
Name of the Scheme: KNMT-2021-22
Name of the Scheme: TURIP -2021-22
Name of the Scheme: 15TH CFC -UPHC
All Scheme 2021-22 and 2022-23