Storm Water Drains

The existing drainage condition of Jolarpet consists of   man – made drainage system, all the man –made storm water drains are connected with Eri hannel. The present condition of storm water drains also carries the sullage and sewage water. The Eri channel in the down steams area and mix with the un-used. Altogether the existing   storm water drains characterized by the low carrying capacity due to encroachments in the urban area, which reduces the regular flow and add constraint to the existing drainage system.

Municipal Storm Water Drainage System

In nature the Jolarpet town has Gradual slopes, which drain the storm water. Moreover,    the Urban Local Body also provides pucca water drainage facility in the major portion of the town.  The existing storm water drain, the wastewater disposal and in many places the storm water  drains are functioning as wastewater create environmental problems and need regular maintenance   by the ULB, is shown in Table.



Drain Type Length (K.m.) Percentage Coverage(%)
Open pucca/surfaced   8.00 22.00
Kutcha/Unlines 15.50 42.00
Total Drains(Km) 23.50 64.00
No Drainage facilities 13.65 36.00
Total road length (Km) 37.15 100.00

The information provided in the above Table indicates that nearly 68.75% of the roads are   provided with storm water drainage facilities and the rest of 31.25% roads are not provided with    drains, which are drained through available natural terrain condition. The observation relating to  storm water drainage facility indicates inadequate designing, as majority of the drains are provided   in bits and pieces without any integration between the drains, this is due to the presence of scattered  development and undulated terrain condition in Jolarpet town.