About Municipality
The Municipality was constituted in the Year 1971 from 23.5.1971 as Ist Grade Town Panchayat Selection Grade Town Panchayat 1982 from 24.02.1982 and then it was upgraded to IIIrd Grade Municipality from 01.07.2004 and it was subsequently upgraded as IInd Grade Municipality Vide GO(Ms) No. 154 Dt. 09.08.2010 It had a population of 27167 (2001 census) and (2011 census) population 29662 an extent of 13.06.Sq Km. The town is divided into 18 Wards.
The Municipal Council comprising of 18 wards councillors is headed by chairperson, Who is elected by voters of the councillors elect a Vice – Chairperson among them.
The executive wing is headed by an Municipal Commissioner, and he is assisted by a team of officials like administration Staff, Collection Staff, Public Health Staff & Water supply Staff.
Location of Municipal Office
The Municipal Office is situated at Natrampalli Road near by Jolarpet Railway junction.
Novel Corona Virus [COVID 19]
விழித்திரு, விலகியிரு, வீட்டிலேயே இரு
Novel Coronavirus disease ( COVID-19 ) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
Help Line No : 04179-241268
Novel Corona Virus [Covid-19] Prevention and Management Activities
Containment Zone-COVID 19
Gasifier-Crematorium-Burial Ground Details
ULB Election 2022 – Reservation for Wards -Gazette Notification
ULB Election 2022 – Reservation for Chairman-Gazette Notification
For More information just explore: WHO & MoHFW
75வது ஆண்டு சுதந்திர தினம் கொண்டாட்டம்
“TN Urban E Sevai” Mobile App for All Tax Payment and other Services
Contact Address
Jolarpet Municipality,
Natrampalli Road,
Parthasarathy Street Jolarpet-635851,
Tirupathur District
Phone Office :04179-241268

The new website https://tnurbanepay.tn.gov.in has been created by incorporating All municipalities and Corporations across Tamilnadu, except Chennai by providing facilities pay tax for asset, drinking water, housing, sewerage and lease categories, and providing birth certificates on-line.

Municipality at a Glance
- General
District : Tirupattur
Region : Vellore Region
State : TamilNadu - Area
Total : 13.06 Sq.Kms - Population
Total : 29662
Male : 14596
Female : 15066

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