Solid Waste Management


Particulars Quantity
1. Estimated quantity of waste generated tones/day 26.00 M T
2. Composition of solid waste, tones/day 26.00 M T
i. Domestic waste 16.00 M T
ii Commercial waste 03.15 M T
iii Industrial waste   NIL
iv Market waste 02.85 M T
v Bio-medical waste 00.25 M T
vi Street sweepings 01.80 M T
vii Drain cleanings 01.95 MT
viii Construction material / debris Removed by Building Owner
1. Bio degradable 60 %
2. Glass 6 %
3. Rags 4 %
4. Paper 3 %
5. Plastic 11 %
6. Leather & rubber 6 %
7. Metals & other domestic hazardous 5 %
8. Inert 5 %