Solid Waste Management
Name of the ULB | Gudalur Municipality (C) |
Number of Wards | 27 |
Total Number of Population (Census 2011) | 38859 |
Total number of House Holds | 14695 |
No. of sanitary worker post sanctioned | 15 |
Total No. of permanent Sanitary workers working as on date | 15 |
Total No. of Out souring Sanitary worker | 59 |
Total Waste generated per day | 7.19 TPD |
Wet waste generated per Day | 3.660 TPD |
Dry waste generated per Day | 2.660 TPD |
Door to Door Collection | 100 % |
Source Segregation | 83% |
No. of MCC | 1 (1.5 MT capacity) |
Windows Method | 0.5 TPD |
Resource Recovery Center | 1 |
Non Saleable Plastic waste sent to Cement factory | 0.890 MT |
Manure Sale | 6.5 MT |
PWM Bye Law | Gazette Notification Date 27.07.2017 |
SWM Bye Law | Gazette Notification Date 27.07.2017 |
E waste | – |
SWM Policy | Gazette Notification Date 27.07.2017 |
No. of LCV | 4 |
No. of BOV | 2 |