Engineering Section

The Municipal Engineer is the over-all in-charge of Engineering Section.  Municipal Engineer is controlling the Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer,  Overseer, Electrical Superintendent, Wireman, Helper and Fitter working in the section. The Municipal Engineer looks after the maintenance, Street lights, Road laying, construction of building and drainage, Maintenance of parks, head works and municipal vehicles.  The other subordinate officers are assisting the Engineer to look after the above work.


Water Supply Maintenance
Street Light Maintenance
Laying Roads, Drains
Civil Works

1 Vaccant Municipal Engineer 04285 221159, 7397392716
2 S.Gomathi Assistant Engineer & ME i/c 04285 222159
3 V.Rajesh Assistant Engineer 04285 222159
4 Vaccant Electrical Superintendent
5 N.Manjula Devi Droughts Man 04285 222159
6 S.Prabhakaran Overseer 04285 222159
7 Vacant Electrician (Gr.II)
8 Vacant Electrician (Gr.II)
9 Palanisamy Fitter (Gr.II)
10 Manivannan Fitter 04285 222159
11 Prakash Filter Bed Operator 04285 222159
12 Vacant Filter Bed Operator 04285 222159
13 Vacant Turn Cock 04285 222159
14 Vacant Turn Cock
15 Vacant Turn Cock